This is a rare problem and many technicians aren't familiar with. I had it for a long time (the sound got louder by the months till I couldn't stand it no more) and just got it fixed at TC. It took me 4-5 service attempts and lots of road testing (light-average-hard braking, shiong on both human ***puke*** and car)

. The sound is like tok tok and sometimes like tong tong coming from the rear and can be felt on the floor board.
Let me give you a few tips:
1. Never let the technician or SA think it's stuffs you keep in the boot. Remove all things including the tools from the boot before you go to TC.
2. They will do a brake servicing first (check brakes, remove brake dust) as safety is a critical issue. This solves problem with consistent (regular interval, pattern) braking tok tok noise but not the random sound I was experiencing.
3. If the sound only happens when you brake and not accelerate, it's not the exhaust. TC adjusted/lowered my exhaust without any improvement.
4. It's not the brake shoe. TC put all the blame on the brake shoe and wanted to charge me $90 (wear and tear item) for a brand new brake shoe even I had a lot left (blardy thick). I signed up NCMP as a result, and changed the brake shoe with no improvement.
5. Next, they will tell you the problem could be the drum and want to do some skimming. This certainly helps a bit and depending on the severity of your problem, and this may fix it. As for me, the tok tok noise only became softer and less often after the skimming.
6. Changed the drum to a new pair and the sound is gone!
i.e. Go straight to the point and ask TC to change your rear brake drum.
Hope it helps somebody! Please leave me a PM as I won't be checking this thread often.