Author Topic: "Removing" minor dents on doors  (Read 11695 times)

Offline scoobydoo

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"Removing" minor dents on doors
« on: December 28, 2009, 11:49:25 AM »
my few weeks old sedan has already accumulated a few smallish dents on the left doors... no thanks to those inconsiderate morons who won't bother to open their car doors with more care  :mad:
i've been really selective when parking the car, avoiding lorries, vans and even big cars that has big doors, but still kenna. sticking those small protectors on the door edges doesn't help, coz it serves to protect other pp's car doors and not ours  :crying:

has anyone tried DIY knocking the small dents out from the inside of door panels?
where can we get the suitable tools (e.g. small mallot set)?
« Last Edit: December 28, 2009, 01:44:53 PM by scoobydoo »
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Offline dsrio

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Re: "Removing" minor dents on doors
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2009, 03:44:20 PM »
diy i never try, i also kanna from those inconsiderate driver, so i go get the pros remove for me, 5 dents at $60 at lye design at amk autopoint.
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Offline jovially

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Re: "Removing" minor dents on doors
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2009, 07:39:45 PM »
me also kana a very sharp dent after 3 weeks of collecting may car. worst than my 1st car (3 months).  :nonod:
sometime wondering why local drivers all so inconsiderable. this was not happen in Malaysia. (at least for me).

You may try Lye design. 1st dent $25 to $30. subsequence dent will be cheaper. I think they go by a package. Look for master lye. or you can try his apprentice. But I still prefer Master ;D

Offline Sunburnt

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Re: "Removing" minor dents on doors
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2009, 08:28:37 PM »
U can also look for Uncle Gary Soh 96858366 for paintless dent repair. Tried his service several mths ago after accumulating several dents.

And he also drives a Latio, very familiar with our ride.  Very experienced, usually he's works in Jurong East or Ubi area or sometimes touching up for second car dealers at different locations.

Offline Jazz

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Re: "Removing" minor dents on doors
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2009, 09:26:50 PM »
diy i never try, i also kanna from those inconsiderate driver, so i go get the pros remove for me, 5 dents at $60 at lye design at amk autopoint.

So cheap ?

Offline Jazz

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Re: "Removing" minor dents on doors
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2009, 09:28:52 PM »
U can also look for Uncle Gary Soh 96858366 for paintless dent repair. Tried his service several mths ago after accumulating several dents.

And he also drives a Latio, very familiar with our ride.  Very experienced, usually he's works in Jurong East or Ubi area or sometimes touching up for second car dealers at different locations.

He is the dent wizard and he is good.  :smile:

Offline PTC77

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Re: "Removing" minor dents on doors
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2009, 09:50:39 PM »
What's the Rough price guide for 1st dent n subsequence?


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Re: "Removing" minor dents on doors
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2009, 01:56:57 PM »
Aiyah, no need lah, just leave it. You spend $$ to remove the dents, after that you're going to get new dents again. Then what?

Just like my rear bumper. First it got scratched by parking idiots who parallel parked behind me. Ah Seng (Vypez) took me to his friend's workshop and I paid $140 to respray the bumper. 2 weeks later, it got scratched again and I spent another $120 to respray at a different workshop. After 1 month it got scratched yet again. I gave up liao, just leave it lor. Where got so much $$ to keep doing it?

Now whenever I get new dents or scratches, I just whisper a prayer "May the person responsible for this kena accident jialat jialat. Amen." :devil2: And I truly wish that my prayers are answered. AMEN!

Offline Joshuapath

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Re: "Removing" minor dents on doors
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2009, 02:10:40 PM »
You guys are right about the scratches...Its part and parcel of owning a car. Compared to most countries our cars here are almost showroom condition...too clean and flawless...

Just try to accumulate every 3-6 months and then consider respraying...unless dent very jia lat
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Offline dsrio

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Re: "Removing" minor dents on doors
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2009, 02:54:58 PM »
So cheap ?

the more dent the cheaper, so i also accumulate then do it.
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Offline nakshire

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Re: "Removing" minor dents on doors
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2009, 05:01:24 PM »
the more dent the cheaper, so i also accumulate then do it.

yes. best is jam brake at highway, get your dents repaired for free

Offline Mr_chr|s

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Re: "Removing" minor dents on doors
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2009, 11:11:14 PM »
Aiyah, no need lah, just leave it. You spend $$ to remove the dents, after that you're going to get new dents again. Then what?

Just like my rear bumper. First it got scratched by parking idiots who parallel parked behind me. Ah Seng (Vypez) took me to his friend's workshop and I paid $140 to respray the bumper. 2 weeks later, it got scratched again and I spent another $120 to respray at a different workshop. After 1 month it got scratched yet again. I gave up liao, just leave it lor. Where got so much $$ to keep doing it?

Now whenever I get new dents or scratches, I just whisper a prayer "May the person responsible for this kena accident jialat jialat. Amen." :devil2: And I truly wish that my prayers are answered. AMEN!

wow... bro,

Dun whisper to god to do that lah.. thats evil man.. juz whisper to god to give us enlightenment to strike 4D better still.. haha.. :devil2:
live a life where there is no tml.. make decision that you wont regret for life!

Offline clarence

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Re: "Removing" minor dents on doors
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2010, 01:08:04 AM »
I recall seeing an article about putting dry ice on the dented area to pop back the dented metal into its original shape.

Wonder if this is fact or myth?

Offline bakoh79

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Re: "Removing" minor dents on doors
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2010, 12:04:11 AM »
jus got a new dent too.. jus dun understand y ppl cant open door with care.. especially lorry n van.. haiz..  :crycry:

any idea where is this Uncle Gary Soh's workshop??

thk have to pay him a visit these days.

Offline clarence

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Re: "Removing" minor dents on doors
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2010, 02:24:36 PM »
You rectify a new dent, and get another fresh dent very soon thereafter.

Just live with it and save your money for that tank of petrol.

Offline kennytoh

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Re: "Removing" minor dents on doors
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2010, 05:44:21 PM »
ya, is impossible to rectify will keep coming back
initially i care n curse so much, now is like part of my many dents til i dun even know which one is the old one n any new ones appearing.

n can pray that if one day unlucky, ganna hit by other car while driving...please hit on the side where there's alot of dents.

Offline flightspeed

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Re: "Removing" minor dents on doors
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2010, 12:52:01 PM »
i am ashamed to say this but heres my opinion of the latio car doors - too soft

i avoid parking next to conti cars / taxis / van / lorries

i have a designated spot in my office and this bmw 5 series is my neighbor ... i noticed that he usually opens the door from the inside with a push and thus my car door always tio dented .. complained to him and be softer and he say "ok la, u park further away la"

Got pissed off and when it came to my turn to park .. i did the same thing .. i pushed the door of my car open to give him a taste of his own medicine -





now the edge of my door is dented :( his beemer not a scratch

We just cant do anything about japanese cars ... its built to be lean

Offline scoobydoo

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Re: "Removing" minor dents on doors
« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2010, 01:14:15 PM »
i am ashamed to say this but heres my opinion of the latio car doors - too soft
the latio's body is soft indeed. in fact, many if not most smaller cc cars' body are soft becos of the need to keep the cars' weight down. generally, thicker stronger bodies/doors means heavier cars and heavier cars need more power to drive. i ever drove a beemer 316i, strong heavy body but pulled by a 1.6l engine... can't takan the sluggish response so drove on "sports mode" most of the time, FC jialat jialat :nonod:

there are of course strong yet lightweight materials used mainly in high-end automotive, e.g. alloys, reinforced fiberglass, carbon fiber-reinforced polymer, etc.

latio with carbon fiber-reinforced polymer body would be really good... but don't think i can afford liow :w00t:
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Offline dsrio

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Re: "Removing" minor dents on doors
« Reply #18 on: January 08, 2010, 04:01:13 PM »
latio door not bad liao, my previous kia rio even worse, so many dents that i can't even bother to go for dent removal.
So far my latio 3 years of usuage 5 dents, i on the boot not counted as it caused by mango dropping on it  ;D, so actually 4 dents caused by inconsiderate ppl, same style same place of parking for both cars so i think latio door stronger.
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Offline bakoh79

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Re: "Removing" minor dents on doors
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2010, 02:57:05 AM »
i am ashamed to say this but heres my opinion of the latio car doors - too soft

i avoid parking next to conti cars / taxis / van / lorries

i have a designated spot in my office and this bmw 5 series is my neighbor ... i noticed that he usually opens the door from the inside with a push and thus my car door always tio dented .. complained to him and be softer and he say "ok la, u park further away la"

Got pissed off and when it came to my turn to park .. i did the same thing .. i pushed the door of my car open to give him a taste of his own medicine -





now the edge of my door is dented :( his beemer not a scratch

We just cant do anything about japanese cars ... its built to be lean

use hammer la..  :devil2: i hate inconsiderate drivers especially lorries n vans..  :glare:

sometime I purposely tried to park far far away to avoid them but they jus wan to park beside me.. damn irritating lo..  :mad: