Aiyah, no need lah, just leave it. You spend $$ to remove the dents, after that you're going to get new dents again. Then what?
Just like my rear bumper. First it got scratched by parking idiots who parallel parked behind me. Ah Seng (Vypez) took me to his friend's workshop and I paid $140 to respray the bumper. 2 weeks later, it got scratched again and I spent another $120 to respray at a different workshop. After 1 month it got scratched yet again. I gave up liao, just leave it lor. Where got so much $$ to keep doing it?
Now whenever I get new dents or scratches, I just whisper a prayer "May the person responsible for this kena accident jialat jialat. Amen."

And I truly wish that my prayers are answered. AMEN!