My car has always been serviced by TC. Under their maintenance package they include chang of CVT oil right? They told me they changed it during the 60k servicing. I upgraded the engine oil to Shogun. Thought it was better than Fastflow. However after 5k km engine still become rough again. No choice loh.... Have to wait for new car prices to drop. After warranty stuff seem to give way. Now aircon also not that cold le... After few mins of turing on then the air starts to feel cool. Next servicing must ask them to top up gas.
Yes, shd b included in package but not sure in which KM, jus re-checked ur Invoice Bill if they indicated has changed. Mine was udner their NPMP since day 1 oso. :)
I hv upgraded once/pay more for Shogun oil oso, found it sluggish after changed, so immediately switched back to Fastflo on my next servicing, mayb 1 of the reason y u feel lack power.
Aircond compressor, tink still 1 of the main problem in our Latio, I changed mine twice, 1 under warranty, the other 1 paid >1K. Err.. seems like the new Latio all only 60K warranty now? Rem ours was 100K/or 3 yrs. Btw, I hv sold mine last month, rode ~163K. :)