I change it at peow motors at kaki bukit auto bay. Price i round off near to 9k. It is a new one.
I suggest that for CVT servicing better go back tan chong and service.Our CVT too Sensitive already.
Actually it is more on how we maintain the CVT. I was driving my Civic ES8 CVT for close to 7 years and clock 170K without problem. I change my CVT oil every 20K at my usual workshop. My driving style is normal maybe I will redline once a week during overtaking.
The CVT oil is not that expensive, 4 bottle of Honda CVT oil is about $30 if you buy from distributor. I guess Nissan CVT oil should be around the same price too. If you go AD to change CVT oil, guess you got to pay $100 or more.
CVT must take care not like normal AT. Some owners who too use to driving AT don't even know need to change gearbox oil.
I love CVT very much. If I would to buy a new car will go with CVT without question. If second car I will think twice since I know nut how the previous owner take care of his/her CVT.