Bro, how you know your alternator is spoilt? Any signs to look out for?
after i chged my belting last year,. there was this irritating grasshopper /cricket sound inside my engine,.. whenever my rpm touches around 1.6 - 1.8k the sound came on,...anything below or beyong tat, nothing. At first it was manageable only until recently,..the sound grew very loud. Went back to the same workshop, they tightened the belt,,but sound cleared for about 30 mins,, after that it came back. Tats y went to Autoaid ( at the same time wanted to renew my CVT fluid ). When checked,,it wasnt just sound, there was also vibration. ( which I kinda grew immune to thinking it was normal )
After chging alternator,... there is still some MINUTE sounds ( similar ) to before but drastically reduced,... can only hear when driving next to a wall,, very slowly and u got to really strain to hear it. Anyways, now the car feels good and sounds good too,...
But anyways, this is my 2cents,... just have the car checked when something doesnt sound rite,.. and always have a 2nd opinion. One thing for certain, the guys at Autoaid are great, very friendly and helpful,... feels good even after spending quite a bit hehehe