Hi TS thanks for raising this thread! I am also looking out to install armrest but please correct me if I am wrong that installation process of this armest requires the removal of the center piece console and both the cup holders will be replaced by this armrest. Can any kind bros out there confirm this?
I am quite certain this cannot be a 'plug-and-play-DIY' job
The installation requires and involves
-the removal of the cigeratte butt holder with two side screws (at the back & bolts can been seen and need to remove it),
-exchange of the cupholder (there is a wire connected to the cupholder) with the armrest.
-Also requires the removal temporary of the gear top panel and the cigeratte charger top panel.
-The arm rest, need to open up 3 covers (front & sides) carefully as the clips are easily broken.
Overall, the side panel were not removed.