meaning your 1st quarter give you 200km?
Mine too. light up when it hit 380km from full tank. wondering is it too fast? if on calculation from full tank till light up should be 38lit.
380km/38lit = 10km/lit

Yup it's always around 10km/l. Well i have a very aggressive right foot... & my 17" rims

If i'm not wrong, our Latio's fuel tank is 50L big. Tried many times driving 80KM (city driving) after the warning light comes on, and when i pump till brim the most i've got is 44L in which means i should have around 6L left meaning another 60KM? Trying not to push my luck too far

Furthest i've driven after warning light came on would be 100KM in NSHW. Managed to only pump 43.5L