Author Topic: ignition coil  (Read 3601 times)

Offline rocket

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ignition coil
« on: January 24, 2011, 06:05:34 PM »
Last night, my 4 year old Latio suddenly vibrated terribly afetr move off from traffic light, scared and called Insurance company immediately to tow to to Tan Chong Motor, today I  was informed 3 out of 4 ignition coils  were damaged, the last one also degrade, might not last long. For safety and balance, they requested to replace 4 coils together. total cost was 800+,  :crycry: :crycry:

Just wondering, what is the chance that 3 coils spoil at the same time? is it necessary to replace all the 4 coils?  anyone encountered such issue before?
« Last Edit: January 24, 2011, 06:07:31 PM by rocket »

Offline crusty69

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Re: ignition coil
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2011, 07:44:19 PM »
Last night, my 4 year old Latio suddenly vibrated terribly afetr move off from traffic light, scared and called Insurance company immediately to tow to to Tan Chong Motor, today I  was informed 3 out of 4 ignition coils  were damaged, the last one also degrade, might not last long. For safety and balance, they requested to replace 4 coils together. total cost was 800+,  :crycry: :crycry:

Just wondering, what is the chance that 3 coils spoil at the same time? is it necessary to replace all the 4 coils?  anyone encountered such issue before?

4 ignition coils @ $800 ??!!! so exp ?? i think can get high performance coils at that price right ?
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Offline kspchew

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Re: ignition coil
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2011, 09:42:05 PM »
On this note, anyone know how long does our Latio ignition coil last?

Offline bs

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Re: ignition coil
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2011, 09:25:56 PM »
I also noticed that when I stop the car while engine is idling, I can feel the driver seat vibrates intermittently. Is that a symptom that my coil might be damaged as well?