Author Topic: Advice needed.  (Read 4255 times)

Offline bs

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Advice needed.
« on: December 27, 2011, 03:51:07 PM »
Hi All,

I am driving a 2nd hand 2007 pre-FL nissan latio premium model. Need some inputs and advice for the following:
(1) how to maintain the half leather seats? Saw some stains (water stain) on the seats but cant remove it with water. Any advice?
(2) my passenger front door will swing wide open if it's being opened with force. Seemed like the stopper is not working. Where to get the parts and have it replaced besides at TCM?
(3) recently discovered that the plastic mould strip on my back passenger door is broken and so it's protruding out. Can it be replaced?
(4) the left side of my front bumper is coming out? Is this a design issue? Saw a few latio having the same situation, some on the left while some on the right side.
(5) there is a smell in the cabin aircon - strange cos i tot the ioniser supposed to remove smell right? Where could be the problem?

All comments and advice are welcome.

Thanks for the attention.

Offline nzmg

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Re: Advice needed.
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2012, 01:10:48 PM »
(4) My latio also had this issue (LH side, front bumper) - the bumper clip was broken.
      I also suspect it is bumper mfg defect but TCM told me somebody must have backed into my car.
      If you want to fix it, get an outside workshop to replace the clip.
      (FYI - I went to AS and they suggested to replace whole bumper + respray!! 
       I refused AS suggestion, and got the clip replaced at TCM for free since my car was still new)

(5) Ioniser is not a miracle cure. Dust/dirt/moisture will accummulate in the system over time.
     Quick fix - park your car, open door/window, turn aircon to open circulation at full blast at hot temp for 15 min. 
     This is to dry out the moisture, and hopefully remove some dirt.
     If smell persist, it is probably v dirty.  Change your aircon filter, and/or send car to aircon shop to get it cleaned if needed.

Offline Anaconda

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Re: Advice needed.
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2012, 11:09:16 PM »
As for the smell, I find that if we use strong alcohol based air freshner,  the aircon vents will emit a stinking smell whenever you on it, like old clothing smell.  This smell remains a few days even with the air freshner removed.  For liquid base, i only use glade or ambipur now with no problems.  For gel type, so far i have not encountered any problems with all that I have tried.  TCM service staff ever told me that the smell is due to plasmarcluster ion reacting with the air freshner.

Offline pizzaboy

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Re: Advice needed.
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2012, 08:19:12 AM »
Yup my salesman told me not to put any kind of air freshener in our car bcoz of ion plasma a/c
it will make è a/c work harder to clean out è air freshener smell thus damagin è a/c unit

Offline bakoh79

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Re: Advice needed.
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2012, 08:58:41 AM »
Yup my salesman told me not to put any kind of air freshener in our car bcoz of ion plasma a/c
it will make è a/c work harder to clean out è air freshener smell thus damagin è a/c unit

I heard of this info as well, but issit true??  :confused1:

Anyone else can verify, please share..  :thumbsup:

Offline dsrio

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Re: Advice needed.
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2012, 09:08:37 AM »
i have never used air-freshner in my current latio since beginning.

the plasma for my latio works well enough for me, any bad smell will be cleared without the need for air-freshener.
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Offline NSman

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Re: Advice needed.
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2012, 04:17:10 PM »
hmm... logic or not??...

my air-con will up lorry very so if i'm a heavy smoker in car?

and donno why my family members like to fart in my car...
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Offline pizzaboy

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Re: Advice needed.
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2012, 10:15:23 AM »
I ended up changin my coolin coil due to too much ciggy smoke clog up è a/c
infact our a/c is quite amazin, as it can clean up durian & fish smell instantly...
Tested & proven, remember to change ur a/c filter too.

Offline kt

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Re: Advice needed.
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2012, 08:48:21 AM »
I have only tried prata smell. For durian smell haven't try it out yet

I ended up changin my coolin coil due to too much ciggy smoke clog up è a/c
infact our a/c is quite amazin, as it can clean up durian & fish smell instantly...
Tested & proven, remember to change ur a/c filter too.