Hi bro's, Few months ago i'm also had the same problem of a/c not cold at all especially, during hot weather blow out hot air instead cold air. Went many place to checked and alot of comments from different mechanic's. End up my friends told me to seek Air-con specialists at yew tee area. They diagnosed that my compressor clutch spoilt do a repaired. Magnetic coil leak, replaced a new set. plus top up AC gas. No GST been add. total i spend $440. No bad service.
Kelvin, the symptoms i encounter is aircon suddenly not cold, only feel the fan. So off the aircon and wait 2-3 mins, turn on and it gets cold again. Sometimes gotta wait longer to restart aircon. I highlighted this problem when i sent my car to tc for servicing. After servicing, they told me topped up ac gas and vaccumed the ac and solved the problem. The ac behaved normal for next two days.Three days later, problem come back again and i went back to tc. After checking (suspect they din even check the first time), service adviser told me cooling coil leak and compressor jammed. Quoted me $1500 inclusive labor to change both. Highly suspicious about their assessment so i told them i wanna get a second opinion. Before i left, they wanted to charge me $79 for another ac gas top up. Angry, i refused to pay and reasoned with the service advisor. Never solve my problem still wanna charge me extra $$ by pumping gas into a leaking coil!?Ahjie, thanks for ur pm.
Bro ahjie, Is it the A/C specialist do it? That is cheap. Where is the W/S? can share?