Author Topic: Air Con Intake Switches by itself.  (Read 3092 times)

Offline WONWON

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Air Con Intake Switches by itself.
« on: November 12, 2013, 03:03:07 AM »
Recently my Nissan's air con has issue, the air flow intake will alternate between fresh air intake and recirculation even though I have it set at  recirculation. the problem with this of course is that smell/dust from the outside will flow in and temperature will increase due to hot air intake from outside.


See this video.



Anyone had this problem before, what was the issue? And what was the remedy and cost?


My ride has  3 buttons Clean/ Fresh Air Inatke/Recirculation.


From what I read, most likely it's the cooling coil sensor or the compressor or A/C control PCB, but I'm sure most workshop will

just say compressor, that'll cost a bomb to replace. So I'm asking around to see if anyone has encountered

this problem before. I saw a few posting on similar problem, but no mention of the  real cause, solution and cost.




Offline WONWON

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Re: Air Con Intake Switches by itself.
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2013, 06:50:58 PM »
Turns out to be the compressor. After the replacement, the air inflow doesn't switch by itself anymore.

So Tan Chong was correct. But I still find it hard to comprehend, because the air con was still cold
just that the air intake switches by itself.