hihi,would like to get advise from you guys for the following..1) CS2 vs Toughseal vs DIY Wax, which is better?2) If CS2 or Toughseal is done, can i still wax my car in future??3)Anyone knows the price of CS2 or Toughseal?Thks!
1) I'm on Toughseal, I persnally find it very good but its more costly compare to CSII but you pay for what you get (Good things not cheap, cheap things not good - - thats what i think)2) If u done pps liao then dun need wax car for at least 5 years3)Pricing think u have to call them to confirm but if u driving latio for toughseal is $400 if ur car is less than 1mth or $488...
Thks for the info... can i check do they have promo as well whereby they will give u free 3M dirt mats or so??oh ya.. i heard that, toughseal can be done on the base of the car too... is tat true and is it useful?thks thks...
erm... the wheel base (dunno the name for it) if u need to apply, u need to lift up the whole car.. tat's wat i heard la... so wana cfm with u guys out there... trying to get more info b4 the arrival of my baby
sorry wat's system 6 btw?
Anyone had or heard of Sonax before? Is it good?