hope it worked for you thats why your friend is getting it.
yeah.. but his is altis. dunno enough or not.. but heck lah.. he wants just buy for him
1) JazONtheMOVE2) gh05tss3) maverick19754) bigblooo5) yewsin856) NotYetz7) gracieg8) aH_gUAn9) HJB10) RedRedWine11) totallypatrick for my friend :)Hi people, I will get the lining for you guys asap.
getting the stock this sat.
hi bro corgan,any xtra stock im interested.
still have bro. I bought extra in case anyone else wants it. Just contact me to arrange collection.
Thanks Corgan for the order, just installed this weekend and it really seems like a vacuum..anyway will let you know if i need more as my friends will be trying out my ride after installation..
hido u hv any difficulties closing the door after installation? hv to slam a few time b4 it can close?
bro corgan, will you be attending the monthly meetup?