latioblues, from the pic i see, you paste the lining on the car body on the right front/rear doors, and paste it on the door flame itself for the left front/rear doors????
You are absolutely right. 10 buck worth of tape can only do 4 doors mah, what to do.

Anyway, a more detailed description of the closing door effect.
With the tape pasted onto the frame,
Front door - Hard to close, easier now after it becomes seasoned.
Rear door - A little harder to close than before only. Was quite surprise that it wasn't like the front door.
With tape pasted onto the door,
Front door - Much easier to close as compared to the above method. It also looks nicer as the tape is concealed with the original rubber. The vacuum effect is still there, but I dun have the chance to verify if this method is better that the former in terms of sound proofing.
Rear door - Same as front door.
personally, I prefer the second method. Cleaner and better looking. Based on what I see, if you have 10 more bucks to spare, it is possible to do both method on the same door.