Firstly, wish to thank bro Alex and Perrin for organising the mini meetup.
To bros Leapin-tofu, Sstar, toniwong, reflecx and latio2000, wish to thank you guys for coming all the way down to sembawang today in the morning to collect the lining. Hope you guys will post ur FR here once u do it up.

Need any help just contact me.

Next, these are the people who have not collected from me yet.
1. teo_jason
2. GKF
3. Redman
4. hopeless2212
5. Xmustang74
6. Pest11
7. NotYetz
So please watch out for the next collection date or contact me @ 94356959 to arrange collection k?

for those who are still interested, I still got some rolls left. So just add ur name in k?

prices still at