thx for sharing ur experience bro. Anything that is not installed properly would have its problems. So my advice has always been to do it well instead of rushing it. 
i tried the hard material too. but found it too expensive and not cost efficient considering its effect. 
I want to disagree that the hard rubber type is not effective. No offence to anybody huh...
I got mine at autobacs, 21ft of 1cm width at $12. A good test of effectiveness is to check how the last door closes before and after the mod. The last door is always very difficult to close after the mod as if an invisible hand is stopping it. But if the window is wind down by a tiny gap, it will close with ease almost like before. This could be explained by air being trapped in the car and cannot escape when the door close and there is a compression of sort. So, it is not the rubber preventing the door from closing, but the air that is trapped in the cabin. The stock condition will allow air to escape through the gaps between the doors and frame, but not after the rubber lining is done.
Hope all understand my explanaton lah. All said, I think the hard rubber type should hv same effect as the lining promoted by Corgan. Maybe the durability will differ lah.