Hi All,
Did not get the COE as expected... TCM only bid 12500 this time round.... 1 more bid to go...then can get back my deposit...
SE smsed my wifey ask whether want to top up for next bid... so i guess TCM is playing games with us... bid low this time round and force us to top up for next bid...
Really no standard... such a big company resort to this kind of tactic..
Got my Honda Airwave already... will collect car end of May due to installation of CNG... only 1 bid secure COE already.
Sigh, I always thought AD are more ethnical than PI, but seems like i was proven wrong.
Anyway for those interested in Airwave, this is the package i got:
Model : M with Retractable Skyroof with digital aircon
Leathers seat, 14" sport rims , Sony MP3 player, reverse sensor.. other accessories cannot remember
Price : 69000 (Promotion Price, think now market about 71000)
OMV : 22000
After CNG Rebate, etc Final Price = 63999
If you are interested, pls pm me, i give you my SE contact, quite ok... at least dun bullshit me like the TCM's SE.
By the way, did you guys collected your abalone ... given free during the CNY promo...
I have not got mine ... think my SE bring home and eat it herself... haha
Wonder if TCM will give me my abalone gift when i go and get my deposit... wahaha