Sincerly hope those who are waiting for COE to get their bids soon
BTW I feel paiseh to say that my SM one shot one kill get the COE. I don't think your SE did it on purpose given the current situation, more like they underestimated the situation
Just like to share what I know abt Open CAT. When TCM bid 3-4 times never tio, they will give U the open Cats. Reason simple, they need to address to customers who book but never tio.
Usually CATE is higher a few K than Cat A. so they can buy a few piece and keep for a few months then transfer to u guys for situation like this.
Friend of mine bought Toyota PICNIC from BM. Then COE shoot like no tomorrow by 4th bid, but BM give my friend the Cat E for last month, so he tell me he FXXking happy coz CAT E transferrable and he profitted due to higher cost of the COE.
the COE he tio was valued at 14K