Author Topic: How many bids have u lost?  (Read 125062 times)

Offline vypez

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Re: How many bids have u lost?
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2008, 06:46:24 PM »
Hey bros/sisters.

I only lost the first bidding for the 1st round of January, tio on the 2nd round. Want to know the ironic thing is? I lost to a mere $1!

1st round January bidding COE Price - $14, 052.
My bid at that time - $14, 051.

HAHAHAHA! Imagine that time i keep refreshing the page to see my latest bid, only to realise I lost becoz of $1.  ::) I truly understand the meaning of $1 bcoz i need to wait for another 2 weeks for the 2nd round. Nevertheless, I already got my Latio Sedan, and LOVING IT!!!  ;D

hehe, bro, you 1 time only.. my friend who bought the new mazda2 really bang balls..

2 x lose by $1. he almost went mad waiting for his new car.


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Re: How many bids have u lost?
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2008, 08:06:04 PM »
hi, saw it but not now...would like to see & feel it 1st le...probably when we get the car and meet...thanks!

1. wonglpnn (2 bids)
2. Eclaire (2 bids)
3. rodrigue (2 bids)
4. alantan9 (2 bids)
5. royroy ( bid)
 if more people join this list can use it for some kind of bargaining leverage with TCM? any uggestions wat & how? jus a thot :devil2:

Was offered by SE a open cat at $13,800. But that month, cat A was at $12001. Which dun really worth it. And yet call me to top up. $500!. siao. crazy. then e SE also cannot tahan me. help e pay $200. call me pay $300. also Dun worth it.

If we still dun get our car for 3 to 4th bid.. and COE shoot up high. do we need to top up for e increase in COE. cos i doubt so as we alreadly agreed for e amount when we purchase e car, and if coe go high. is company buiness. not our buiness right ?


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Re: How many bids have u lost?
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2008, 12:19:05 AM »
This COE value is inside my log card.. so he cant smoke me le

Hi Bro, I think I may have misunderstood what you said.  I suppose you meant you were offered a Open Cat COE in February and that Open Cat COE was secured by TCM in November 2007.  If so, then it is possible.  It is not a February 2008 Open Cat COE.  In that case, you got a good deal as the Cat A value in Nov 2007, though is lower than the Open Cat in Nov 2007, it is higher than the Cat A coe in February 2008.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2008, 12:22:22 AM by HumbleCar »

Offline KeN3

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Re: How many bids have u lost?
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2008, 12:21:58 AM »
If we still dun get our car for 3 to 4th bid.. and COE shoot up high. do we need to top up for e increase in COE. cos i doubt so as we alreadly agreed for e amount when we purchase e car, and if coe go high. is company buiness. not our buiness right ?

well, if u got the time to wait, den wait it out since i haven't heard of any cases where anyone don't get their COE by the 6th bid..

was also asked if i wanted to top to get the open cat COE, which was an additional 1k.. my decision was to wait it out.. so in the end, never top up la.. just needed to wait longer..  :ohmy:

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Offline thesurferguy

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Re: How many bids have u lost?
« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2008, 01:59:04 AM »
hehe, bro, you 1 time only.. my friend who bought the new mazda2 really bang balls..

2 x lose by $1. he almost went mad waiting for his new car.

Wah! I really understand his feelings... Sure bang balls if kena me...  :scared:

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Offline wonglpnn

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Re: How many bids have u lost?
« Reply #25 on: February 26, 2008, 05:23:52 PM »
well, if u got the time to wait, den wait it out since i haven't heard of any cases where anyone don't get their COE by the 6th bid..

was also asked if i wanted to top to get the open cat COE, which was an additional 1k.. my decision was to wait it out.. so in the end, never top up la.. just needed to wait longer..  :ohmy:
fully agree...tat's wat SE told that no one lost 6 bids before...i lost 2 but will wait patiently...patience is a virtue...which i dun have much..esp waiting for new car ;D
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Offline iagree

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Re: How many bids have u lost?
« Reply #26 on: February 26, 2008, 05:37:34 PM »
fully agree...tat's wat SE told that no one lost 6 bids before...i lost 2 but will wait patiently...patience is a virtue...which i dun have much..esp waiting for new car ;D

i lost the 1st bid because i dont topup S$1k after my agent asked me to topup.
2nd bid, they chase the price for me and i got the COE @ S$17999 i thk...!
sorry, i must agree because i don't know how to disagree. agreeeee only....

   -iagree, must agree

Offline KeN3

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Re: How many bids have u lost?
« Reply #27 on: February 27, 2008, 12:28:36 AM »
fully agree...tat's wat SE told that no one lost 6 bids before...i lost 2 but will wait patiently...patience is a virtue...which i dun have much..esp waiting for new car ;D

i think i got mine on the 3rd or 4th bid.. lolz.. every 2 wks heart beat fast during the coe bidding.. keep refreshing page..  ;D

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Re: How many bids have u lost?
« Reply #28 on: February 27, 2008, 10:56:25 PM »
i think i got mine on the 3rd or 4th bid.. lolz.. every 2 wks heart beat fast during the coe bidding.. keep refreshing page..  ;D

In fact, I quite enjoy it.  It is exciting and similar to watching horse racing, especially if the premium is close to your reserved bid placed by TCM.  Then you start contacting your SE on whether TCM will push up your bid.

Offline KeN3

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Re: How many bids have u lost?
« Reply #29 on: February 27, 2008, 11:29:36 PM »
In fact, I quite enjoy it.  It is exciting and similar to watching horse racing, especially if the premium is close to your reserved bid placed by TCM.  Then you start contacting your SE on whether TCM will push up your bid.

haha.. yup.. something very similar..

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Last updated 27 Jul 2008


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Re: How many bids have u lost?
« Reply #30 on: February 29, 2008, 12:04:07 AM »
I lost 2 bid in month of February.

2 Weeks Ago

Last bid, TCM only bid 12050k for me. Was pissed off becos the COE closed at 12850k. I told her everyone know COE is going up... why TCM do not secure the bid now, if not the COE will go up further. She told me the bid price is set by management, she got no say.

I was even more pissed, I told her that TCM is only willing to bid at 12000k at every round, then dun bother, refund me my money and let me move on. I rather let other ppl earn my money. She say bo bian and ask me to top up 1k for Open Cat.. or top up a few hundred dollars more for the next bid....


My SE sms me to top up 1k to try to secure the COE in the next week bid. She told me that she is submitting rebid by tomorrow and "current batch people already paying 63500 after disc. Since your ARF rebate is around 1500...suggest to increase bid by 1k to get a good chance ..."

I reply her that i remember she told me

1) TCM does not practice asking customers to top up for COE
2) Bid price is determined by management

She replied saying she say "TCM DOES NOT FORCE CUSTOMERS to top up COE bid... your Package include many freebies which will eventually affect co's cost.... U in biz (i told her i am self employed) so u know the cost factor."


I told her off .... TCM obviously cannot force customers to top up... the selling price of the car is determined by TCM, not me... if they cannot project their cost on the COE correctly when they priced the car... how can they shift the cost to the customer? In business, does not mean always have to make $$, an agreement is an agreeement... lost $$ also have to honour agreement...


"Why don't u consider now that the coe will be going up higher. your arf rebate is a windfall which means the overall car price is lesser....."


I already told her 2 weeks ago COE is going up...and TCM does not want to bid at 12850k to secure it... she is reminding me of how TCM is screwing us the customers....

My guess is that they purposely let go the COE in Feb... and wait until March and get the customer to top up with their own $$ from the so called "windfall" and to avoid losing $$ on the rising COE.

Wat rubbish... the ARF rebate is only a paper gain... when we scrap the car... the scrap value will also be similiarly lower...

I have really regretted booking the car with TCM.... and the thought of having to wait for another 4 more bid (2 months) of nonsense from them really pissed me off.... knowing that they probably will continue to bid at 12000k and evey other 2 weeks will ask me to top up for COE....

Sigh....  I will not top up for the COE ... I rather not get the car also... waste time...

Offline wonglpnn

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Re: How many bids have u lost?
« Reply #31 on: February 29, 2008, 10:17:48 PM »
hello bro pslok,

take it easy leh...seems like many of us have same situation, lost 2 bids marginally...
but looking @ bright side, wif arf rebate & hopefully coe will go up up up!  :cool2:
then resale of our car will be better...
btw, ur SE told u 63500 aft disct is for which latio? base/premium/sport/sport cvt?
i same thot as u, won't top up $, the most just lose the all 6th bids, and "thank" my SE for wasting my time, but i doubt tt will happen. anyway, my SE also told me not to top up. prob u suck ur SE too much, she trying to get some back from u :devil2:
maybe aft lose next bid, my SE will find me to top up too?! :confused1:
if u can't convince urself,how u confuse others?

Offline rodrigue

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Re: How many bids have u lost?
« Reply #32 on: March 01, 2008, 10:45:12 AM »
next bid 5th Mar 1600 hrs! Good luck to all!

Offline KeN3

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Re: How many bids have u lost?
« Reply #33 on: March 01, 2008, 12:02:13 PM »
hello bro pslok,

take it easy leh...seems like many of us have same situation, lost 2 bids marginally...
but looking @ bright side, wif arf rebate & hopefully coe will go up up up!  :cool2:
then resale of our car will be better...
btw, ur SE told u 63500 aft disct is for which latio? base/premium/sport/sport cvt?
i same thot as u, won't top up $, the most just lose the all 6th bids, and "thank" my SE for wasting my time, but i doubt tt will happen. anyway, my SE also told me not to top up. prob u suck ur SE too much, she trying to get some back from u :devil2:
maybe aft lose next bid, my SE will find me to top up too?! :confused1:

actually, the top-up request is usually done by TCM and not ur SE la.. & esp if u have already squeeze ur SE quite dry on the commission, also difficult to ask them to cover the top-up la.. in any case, if u are not in a hurry to get the car, just wait for the bids la.. know so far, there ain't any case in 6 bids, no 1 got their car.. it's just a matter of time..

so it's patience, bro!!  :thumbsup:

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Offline eclaire

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Re: How many bids have u lost?
« Reply #34 on: March 01, 2008, 07:57:22 PM »
Bro PSLok, dun feel upset! i also questioned my SE abt Feb bidding, he said TCM PURPOSELY lost the Feb bids to give us the chance of getting the ARF rebate. My question is y didn't TCM inform us n let us decide if we want to lose the bid or get the ARF rebate. Whatever their reason, i was also quite pissed s i need the car urgently.

right from the beginning, i already told my SE i DIE DIE also dun wan to top up. i will not top up or get the open cat from Feb. i'll juz wait till i got the new COE n get my rebate. at most i juz shake hands with my SE n take back deposit. I'll juz go over to Honda n buy Jazz.  ;D dun get too pissed.

Offline wonglpnn

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Re: How many bids have u lost?
« Reply #35 on: March 01, 2008, 09:53:42 PM »
Bro PSLok, dun feel upset! i also questioned my SE abt Feb bidding, he said TCM PURPOSELY lost the Feb bids to give us the chance of getting the ARF rebate. My question is y didn't TCM inform us n let us decide if we want to lose the bid or get the ARF rebate. Whatever their reason, i was also quite pissed s i need the car urgently.

right from the beginning, i already told my SE i DIE DIE also dun wan to top up. i will not top up or get the open cat from Feb. i'll juz wait till i got the new COE n get my rebate. at most i juz shake hands with my SE n take back deposit. I'll juz go over to Honda n buy Jazz.  ;D dun get too pissed.
gd luck & hope u get it next round :thumbsup:
if u can't convince urself,how u confuse others?


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Re: How many bids have u lost?
« Reply #36 on: March 03, 2008, 07:56:06 PM »
Dear Bro wongplnn,

I bought the latio sport cvt... so i guess the SE is refering to the same model...

I only got free floor mat, one extra intelligent key and car lock system as a freebie from the SE.. dun think i squeeze her too much... maybe becos i m taking 50% loan... so her commission is lesser..

Sigh.. anyway thanks for the comforting words from everyone...

Hee hee, i am now looking at buying Honda Airwave instead... so maybe it is a blessing in disguise...

Good luck for all who is bidding in this week COE

Offline eclaire

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Re: How many bids have u lost?
« Reply #37 on: March 03, 2008, 10:54:48 PM »
u r so lucky... i take up abt 60 to 70% loan i din get 1 additional intelligent key. think i muz squeeze the SE.

Offline wonglpnn

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Re: How many bids have u lost?
« Reply #38 on: March 03, 2008, 11:38:51 PM »
Dear Bro wongplnn,

I bought the latio sport cvt... so i guess the SE is refering to the same model...

I only got free floor mat, one extra intelligent key and car lock system as a freebie from the SE.. dun think i squeeze her too much... maybe becos i m taking 50% loan... so her commission is lesser..

Sigh.. anyway thanks for the comforting words from everyone...

Hee hee, i am now looking at buying Honda Airwave instead... so maybe it is a blessing in disguise...

Good luck for all who is bidding in this week COE

bro ps
u mean u giving up the wait on latio so soon?y le?any penalty? deposit forfeited?
if u can't convince urself,how u confuse others?


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Re: How many bids have u lost?
« Reply #39 on: March 04, 2008, 09:52:05 AM »
u r so lucky... i take up abt 60 to 70% loan i din get 1 additional intelligent key. think i muz squeeze the SE.

Hi Eclaire,  Got to see the overall deal.  Besides the percentage of loan, also need to see the duration of loan.  Also got to see other freebies.   For instance, did you get extra cash discount?  The other bro just mentioned the ikey, but no mention on cash discount.  Thought quite normal to get some cash discount, which may be more than offset the $198 ikey.  [I not in car sales industry.  So, am not trying to defend the SE.  Just trying to see things in perspective.] 
