hi all,
despite we went down to complain to the sales manager, they are not doing or showing any effort to help us get our bid... that's disappointing!!
The result is, they bidded mine at 3:15pm (which abit too early!) at a price of a mere $12k+ (lower than what they bidded for me the last round i.e. abt $13.8k) Then they stopped trying as usual, thinking 1 bid they will get it for us... Does it show they are trying their best by placing a bid so early n not even bother to top up another $1 to increase chances?? (i'd experienced this for the 5th time!!)
The game i supposed they are playing for those who placed their orders back in feb where COE are at $12k, is to make them feel anxious and worried on the rise of COE prices. Therefore they will eventually top up... That's what i felt at least though it might be wrong... Tell me, if i am
Being in this automobile business, don't the management realise that price of COE is going to go up from end Jan when the news of cut of 10% ARF kicked in (where more pple will consider buying car) and later when the quota reduced announced by the govt? Don't they want to close a deal asap?
Whatever it is, Nissan has not shown professionalism in handling customers needs and giving their best for a satisfied customer.
This jus kills off another customer who is keen on getting a nissan car initially....
(i jus wish i knew the nissan jap head and let him know the situation TCM is handling, poorly)