Hi, ok here goes my full story.
1st bidding TCM bid 11k plus & coe closed 12002.
2nd bidding TCM bid 12k plus & coe closed 13k plus--My SE ask me to top up a small amt b4 going next bidding. (amt 2h~5h) told her i dun wan
3rd bidding TCM bid 12k plus again & coe closed 14k plus liao.---call & ask SE how as my trade in old car insurance & rd tax is expiring on Apr. She say boh bian is TCM decision bcos i dun wan top up. LL & pissed of with TCM....
So i told her i want to downgrade my car from sport to sedan version, change of color & use the 1k diff as a top up. Of course 2h deduted for admin & 60 i use to buy visor. so act top up 740.
4th bidding TCM bid 13k plus but still cannot kena. So this round she say give me an open cat abt will reg at 12002 bcos she say 5th bidding chances is even slim. So i accepted.
Actually i bought my car b4 cny & TCM should at bid at a higher px since the coe only increased $1 compare to the previous bidding. Dunno wat r they up to since they are clearing stock.
anyway with the top up my buying px is still 57100 for a sedan which now is abt 64k if i am not wrong........
pretty much the same story. bought in b4 CNY.
TCM very unprofessional, esp when all my other frens who got it from AD during this period all got their cars...vios, civic,mazda3, suzuki sx4
some more after feb 2nd bid COE is 12.8k, din get it, my SE told me clearly that "the management wants all customer to go into March bid to enjoy the 10% rebate & also TCM predict COE will go up, so customers will benefit even more"...however, comes March & April, exact scenario, but SE unable to deliver his promise, and the so called "management" i met say that nothing of this was transpired to the SEs, my SE also ganna sandwiched...
anyway, this is my side of the story...which I believe the same crap & lies were told to many others who's in same situation...
moral of my story: SE not in the fault, TCM management, directors, are the ones playing bast***d, while the poor SE and SM are the ones meeting angry customers and yet powerless to act, because they are told to "hold ur customers till 6th bid and we'll c how it goes with COE then, make them itch and top up"

hands up whoever agrees with me!