Haiz,it's 'coming' again.got to pay again.not too sure how much is the roadtax for our Latio liao?anyone?regards.
if i'm not wrong, road tax for 1.5l car is calculated this way :$500 + (500 x $0.75) = $875.00, less 8% discount by LTA, so it shld be $805.00 per year.
Still got to add radio licence.
No horse run.Bo bei cao.I received the letter from LTA6mth S$402 + radio lic $13.5012mth S$804 + radio lic $27crap, radio lic aso hv to pay.
hahaha really pay until cow come home....next time when u install DVD player inside they also will charge you for the TV liscense
hi lenglooi,wa lau, sure bo?
kidding lah bro hahaha btw is (leolooi) not (lenglooi) lah bro
Don't suggest leh. Faster delete your post before somebody see it and implement it. Haha
buy a made in china phone tat come with tv tuner lor.. LOL...