Author Topic: when to change engine oil?  (Read 6630 times)

Offline fallacy

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when to change engine oil?
« on: May 20, 2008, 12:42:44 AM »
i've been feeling a bit troubled abt when i should change the engine oil...

after the 1K servicing, TC stuck this fastflo decal indicating that we should change it when we reach 5K or after 3 months, whichever is earlier...the thing is after 3 months, our latio's mileage is still no where near 5K!! & when we checked, the engine oil wasn't black (which means don't need to change is it?).....our latio is quite lightly used so it's mileage is still quite low despite being almost 6months...

thus, i'm wondering if i should change the engine oil according to the decal.....i'm quite a newbie when it comes to cars, can someone please advise me regarding this? thanks!

Offline maverick1975

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Re: when to change engine oil?
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2008, 06:47:57 AM »
hmm... if your servicing age is nearly 6mths, i suggest that you change do up the standard servicing as per TCM.. Do note that even though the colour of the engine oil still looks gd doesnt mean there isnt any particles caught up in the oil which will give abrasion and do note that there is also an expiry date.. oh yeah, the servicing is still free from TCM right? so i still recommend to service the car when it reaches 6mths..

Offline josho

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Re: when to change engine oil?
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2008, 10:34:36 AM »
Better go service since there's warranty and of course, FOC. Despite for low mileage, Engine Oil is a must to change. Im hoping to go for 40K servicing before my warranty end!  :bleh: If not gotta pay and pay  :out:

Offline KEL

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Re: when to change engine oil?
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2008, 11:40:17 AM »
i've been feeling a bit troubled abt when i should change the engine oil...

after the 1K servicing, TC stuck this fastflo decal indicating that we should change it when we reach 5K or after 3 months, whichever is earlier...the thing is after 3 months, our latio's mileage is still no where near 5K!! & when we checked, the engine oil wasn't black (which means don't need to change is it?).....our latio is quite lightly used so it's mileage is still quite low despite being almost 6months...

thus, i'm wondering if i should change the engine oil according to the decal.....i'm quite a newbie when it comes to cars, can someone please advise me regarding this? thanks!

It's important to change the oil/fluid in any engine esp those hardly "exercised" one.

"5K or 3 month whichever earlier" is a standard oil change timing benchmarked from statistics. Not necessary to be very exact.

However, my suggestion is that all the early-stage services (1k-5k-10K) have to be on time. These services are critical as they flush out the debris/particles from the new engine.

Afterwhich, exceeding stipulated service timeframe is still ok but not by too long.



Offline swiftmox

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Re: when to change engine oil?
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2008, 11:59:48 AM »
Anyway, the changing of engine oil during servicing at 1k, 5k and 10k is free right? So, why worry? Just be in time for the servicing.

The only thing worth concern is probably on whether or not to bring your own synthetic engine oil at the 10k servicing.

Offline fallacy

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Re: when to change engine oil?
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2008, 01:55:47 PM »
so i should service the car at 6 months even though it's not 5K yet?
i thot the free servicing was only for 1K, 5K & 10K?


Offline iagree

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Re: when to change engine oil?
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2008, 02:16:26 PM »

1k, 5k & 10k must service on time, or not more than 10% of the mentioned milege.

1k - shld be serviced around 950 to 1050.
5k - shld be around 5k to 5.5k
10k - around 11k aso no problem.

I just serviced my 18k (4th service) @ KL @ the following cost:

1) Original Latio Filter @ RM22 (spore sell at what price?)
2) Labor cost @ RM22 (spore labor cost, how much is it?)
3) Mobil One Fully Synthetic Oil @ RM198 (this one is expensive i think!!! Still got quite alot of oil inside the tank)

sorry, i must agree because i don't know how to disagree. agreeeee only....

   -iagree, must agree

Offline lyh1280

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Re: when to change engine oil?
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2008, 02:57:17 PM »
I hv never drive lower than the mileage when compare with the mths (whichever come 1st), tt means i ll need to service once mileage achieved 10K (using fully syn) usually ~ 3mths time (therefore not sure if wait till 6 mths or more).

My experience, did service few times ~12K (more than the recommended 10K), fully service at TC since day 1, only saw some comments on their service reports to "service on time".. other than that, not an issue.. therefore still can drag on over the recommended mileage interval..

As for you 3 mths (using normal oil), or 6 mths (using fully syn oil), would recommend u to go servicing on time, maybe slightly more up to 1 mth shd b ok..

Offline BlackieLatio

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Re: when to change engine oil?
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2008, 05:48:08 PM »
My previous ride exceed 3mth b4 i go servicing. Which is to say, supposingly i need to go back at 20k or 6mth. But it took me 9 mths to reach 20k. So far for those low mileage user, IMO it is ok to follow milleage but dun flame me hor if anything happen.

For me i dun really bother ant the date & follow closely to the mileage.

Offline josho

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Re: when to change engine oil?
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2008, 07:45:33 PM »
My previous ride exceed 3mth b4 i go servicing. Which is to say, supposingly i need to go back at 20k or 6mth. But it took me 9 mths to reach 20k. So far for those low mileage user, IMO it is ok to follow milleage but dun flame me hor if anything happen.

For me i dun really bother ant the date & follow closely to the mileage.

Same here, I just go when I'm free but better to get the major servicing done before warranty expire. I just did my servicing at 30k when the mileage shown 34k, LOL. :bleh: Next servicing at 39k which I wanna get the 40K servicing because of warranty ending on Oct  :crycry: :lahlahlah:

Offline iagree

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Re: when to change engine oil?
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2008, 01:16:05 PM »
Most imptly, low maintenance cost, fuel saving, that's enough.
No need to service on the knot.
sorry, i must agree because i don't know how to disagree. agreeeee only....

   -iagree, must agree