I've been enjoying driving my latio premium for exactly a year. I was informed by my cousin who noticed my DS3 spoiler seems to be falling out from the car boot. To my surprise, i can see a slight gap of my spoiler to the car boot. (can see the glue area).

So, i went straight to TC Ubi and send it for repair. After 1/2 day has gone, the agent told me that the spoiler was not fixed properly by the contractor which they have out-source! Apparently, the spoiler must come with 4 screws attach to the car bonnet. (2 in the centre and 1 on each side). But the contractor has only 2 screws in the centre, ignoring the sides of the bonnet. Which caused the glue on each side to give way after sometime.
Although, TC didn't charge me a single cent on the repair. But i was quite furious on this encounter. If i were to know that TC outsource this installing of body kit to contractors, i should have done so myself. (The price of the body kit will also be cheaper outside).
Anyway, my temper has cool down after i drive off from TC Ubi. Just love my ride! *haa*