Author Topic: Done FC Testing at TC Ubi on 29 March 08  (Read 22958 times)

Offline ckmckm

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Re: Done FC Testing at TC Ubi on 29 March 08
« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2008, 04:06:59 PM »
yoz bro.
u might want to pump a tank of v power to clean the fuel injector in your engine.
It work on mine.

Offline maxngck

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Re: Done FC Testing at TC Ubi on 29 March 08
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2008, 04:34:40 PM »
during cny, i travelled to m'sia and pump up many tanks of v-power :bleh: but same result :weep:

Offline sengkang

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Re: Done FC Testing at TC Ubi on 29 March 08
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2008, 07:42:36 PM »
yoz bro.
u might want to pump a tank of v power to clean the fuel injector in your engine.
It work on mine.
Already done anything possible to get better FC.
Oh I didnt tell anyone that I also had 24 broquet pellets in my fuel tank! (I think its 24 pellets).
So Broquet dont work! I had the fuel line type install in my previous car (Mazda 323) , it didnt work. So I trade in for Latio & use the fuel line but it also dont work. Got fedup with the distributor of Broquet & insisted that they put it into my tank (Becos cant find buyer might as well just dump into fuel tank).
One more thing abt broquet installation. They actually forced the metal connector to get to the fuel line, the tester in  TC said that since it was forced & they didnt take out the "male/female" connector out becos they are not sure if the metal fuel connector is spoilted!
I asked him how much it would cost to replace & he is not sure becos that fuel line according to him runs very far in & is long (Must be directly all the way to the fuel tank).
Really regret allowing the agent of Broquet to force the metal fuel connector out.
Hope that fuel tube will hold as long as I drive this car!

Offline Tan

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Re: Done FC Testing at TC Ubi on 29 March 08
« Reply #23 on: April 01, 2008, 08:38:43 PM »

next time plan a trip with a known distant.
check if the distant travel correlate with the meter reading.
if dun match might be the meter problem.

Offline cyberkit

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Re: Done FC Testing at TC Ubi on 29 March 08
« Reply #24 on: April 01, 2008, 09:39:18 PM »
I had the same issue with FC initially and found that the Latio is extremely sensitive to driving style because of the CVT. i.e. if you rev hard (3k+ 4K+ RPM) the FC will drop to about 10km/l if you drive with gradual acceleration, minimal braking, RPM below 2k the FC will ba about 12-13 km/l
"Indicative" Mileage the I've been getting:
              Relak Drive             Cheong!!!
3Q Tank     80 to 95km           65 - 75km
1/2 Tank    220 to 240km       190 to 210km
1/4 Tank    350 to 380km       300 to 340km
Light on     440 to 480km       390 to 420km

I am on Esso 92 and found no significant difference between using 95....never bothered with 98.

Offline wrxykh

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Re: Done FC Testing at TC Ubi on 29 March 08
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2008, 11:00:43 AM »
My FC is around 12.5kml too. On my last pump, I calculated it was around 13 kml.

BS laa... how difficult can it be? on each gas pump, reset the meter to 0 until next gas pump, see how much has been pumped.

distant run/gas pumped = kml

How difficullt or wrong could that be????

Yes, totally agree with you!

I've been doing the same thing for many months (and many years to my previous WRX).

For Latio, I'm constantly getting 15km/L to 17km/L, for WRX, I'm getting 9km/L to 11km/L.

Even not accurate during pumping the petrol into the tank (+-1L, pump by myself to fuel flow out), the fc still within the ranges.
Fuel does not self generate or disappered too much from your tank, and odometer does not add or reduce vastly within every tank you pump in.

So how not accurate is beyond me. This is simple measurement, accuracy is above 95%, especially accurate if you do maintain the measurement tank after tank!

Offline beluga

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Re: Done FC Testing at TC Ubi on 29 March 08
« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2008, 11:54:30 AM »
Yes, totally agree with you!

I've been doing the same thing for many months (and many years to my previous WRX).

For Latio, I'm constantly getting 15km/L to 17km/L, for WRX, I'm getting 9km/L to 11km/L.

Even not accurate during pumping the petrol into the tank (+-1L, pump by myself to fuel flow out), the fc still within the ranges.
Fuel does not self generate or disappered too much from your tank, and odometer does not add or reduce vastly within every tank you pump in.

So how not accurate is beyond me. This is simple measurement, accuracy is above 95%, especially accurate if you do maintain the measurement tank after tank!
wah, 15 to 17kml!!!! Your petrol cham chui(add water) one is it? hehe...
You do not turn on AC most of the time? I really wonder what it takes to achieve such mileage coz there's no MT for latio. Even light footed can't reach such mileage.


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Re: Done FC Testing at TC Ubi on 29 March 08
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2008, 02:18:45 PM »
Good FC is very possible with Latio.

My average is 15.2km/l for 30 Full Tank from 13 Oct 07 till now. (yes.. i keep track of how many tank and each tank's FC  :yehyeh:)

My Latio Sports (4AT) is Totally Stock except for - Undercarriage bracing, roll bar & struct bar.

How i achieve my FC

- A/C is set to 24
- Tire Pressure ==> 260 front 250 back   :bleh:
- very very gradual acceleration (below 2K) BUT my cruising speed is 100 to 110.  :devil2:
- Travel by expressway whenever possible if the distance from minor road is less than 15% differ

good FC can be achieve... the only question is how


Offline liewks

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Re: Done FC Testing at TC Ubi on 29 March 08
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2008, 02:30:31 PM »
wah, 15 to 17kml!!!! Your petrol cham chui(add water) one is it? hehe...
You do not turn on AC most of the time? I really wonder what it takes to achieve such mileage coz there's no MT for latio. Even light footed can't reach such mileage.

It's possible. No A/C + long trips (mostly ~35km per trip, with short A/C short trips thrown into the mix) + 75% HW + try not to touch your brakes + drive slower than Grandma (rpms strictly < 2k) = 21.9km/l (record tank). Really. Try it. It's addictive. It feels good every time you top your previous high score ;-).

Things that kill FC:
- unnecessary idling
- frequent short trips
- start/stop traffic
- unnecessary braking
- carrying unnecessary loads
- under-inflated tyres
- A/C
- speed (wind resistance is proportional to the square of your speed). Do 80km/h with A/C @ Fan:1/Temp:26C instead of 110km/h with A/C @ Fan:2/Temp:20C. Big difference in FC.

Those times where I have no choice but to drive start/stop traffic (<<50% HW) and short trips (~5km), FC drops to ~14km/l. :-(.

Offline wrxykh

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Re: Done FC Testing at TC Ubi on 29 March 08
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2008, 03:51:34 PM »
It's possible. No A/C + long trips (mostly ~35km per trip, with short A/C short trips thrown into the mix) + 75% HW + try not to touch your brakes + drive slower than Grandma (rpms strictly < 2k) = 21.9km/l (record tank). Really. Try it. It's addictive. It feels good every time you top your previous high score ;-).

Things that kill FC:
- unnecessary idling
- frequent short trips
- start/stop traffic
- unnecessary braking
- carrying unnecessary loads
- under-inflated tyres
- A/C
- speed (wind resistance is proportional to the square of your speed). Do 80km/h with A/C @ Fan:1/Temp:26C instead of 110km/h with A/C @ Fan:2/Temp:20C. Big difference in FC.

Those times where I have no choice but to drive start/stop traffic (<<50% HW) and short trips (~5km), FC drops to ~14km/l. :-(.

Good points...I second your opinion.

I do most of the above factors except :

1) I usually travel in the morning (6.50am) without aircon along PIE for 15km
2) Use A/C for the rest of the day (must enjoy a bit, I usually set the A/C to 24~26C)
3) The rest factors same as yours...

My last tank achieved 17km/L, break my previous record of 16.6km/L. Hoo Ray... :thumbsup:

And yes, damn addictive game...GOOD FOR YOUR WALLET AND ENVIRONMENT TOO... :bleh:

Offline joyrob

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Re: Done FC Testing at TC Ubi on 29 March 08
« Reply #30 on: April 04, 2008, 04:51:09 PM »
hi.. i agree with the air con factor.. i also usually travel without aircon on for half my trip , esp on cool days. but ultimately i do on the aircon as i tot, why shuold i suffer when i pay for my ride.. haha...

but then, in case u guys are worried about wind drag and stuff with the windows open, personally i think it wun be a problem as long as ur windows are not totally open ; just a small gap, and with window visors, there shuold be minimal drag...

i consistently got 15 to 16km/litre for my 4AT... when i first got my ride, i still trying to accustom to the feel of the 4AT, so i only get about 14 plus.. lately i have been getting about 540km for a ful tank till the light on..

Offline liewks

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Re: Done FC Testing at TC Ubi on 29 March 08
« Reply #31 on: April 07, 2008, 02:14:50 PM »
Cool. Nice to know there are like-minded folks out there  :smile:.

Offline spyder_696

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Re: Done FC Testing at TC Ubi on 29 March 08
« Reply #32 on: April 09, 2008, 02:07:21 PM »
yup, same with sengkang, my best record was a mere 12.5km/l and thats during the run in period somemore.

i complained and same thing, brought me out for a test drive. went to top up till the brim, and went on expressway and back to the same station. clocked 16.Xkm/L. So i lost the war, the foreman jus looked at me, bling bling and said, OK wat...wah i suck thumb..

the tip he thought me was rev it up to 2.5k rpm, and keep it there till ur desired speed. thereafter, release the accelerator and try to cruise below 2k.

explanation for revving at 2.5k was that u wont be "dragging" the gear, or simply put, the gear changes quicker, u reach ur desired speed faster, and hence wont step on the accelerator as much...

anyway, been 3 yrs now, been clocking 10+ km/L. Good days about 11+km/L

to get good fc i normally rev up at pick up and let it cruise when i reach the road speed... if pick up slow... fc get bad...

Offline liewks

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Re: Done FC Testing at TC Ubi on 29 March 08
« Reply #33 on: April 14, 2008, 01:04:27 PM »
to get good fc i normally rev up at pick up and let it cruise when i reach the road speed... if pick up slow... fc get bad...

I accelerate gently from the start and still get pretty good FC  :smile:.


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Re: Done FC Testing at TC Ubi on 29 March 08
« Reply #34 on: April 15, 2008, 12:26:14 AM »
Dear Brother,
  My car FC also okay. I remember I'm getting quite consistent when travel to North M'sia. A couple of times with 570km at 38L. Actually one tank from Ipoh to JB.

Offline sengkang

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Re: Done FC Testing at TC Ubi on 29 March 08
« Reply #35 on: April 15, 2008, 01:18:39 PM »
Dear Brother,
  My car FC also okay. I remember I'm getting quite consistent when travel to North M'sia. A couple of times with 570km at 38L. Actually one tank from Ipoh to JB.
Bro, on highway, most cars can get very good FC which is the reason why they always asked for the travelling pattern like Highway (60%) & City (40%). The more u ran on highway, the better the FC reading.
It is City driving that our FC is high thats why we always try to get a car with good FC reading.

Offline eclaire

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Re: Done FC Testing at TC Ubi on 29 March 08
« Reply #36 on: April 18, 2008, 10:59:23 AM »
quite satisfied with my latio now. initial 1000km FC very poor... now improve.... i get 14.8 for the last tank. 90% highway, 10% city   :D

Offline Latiorarri

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Re: Done FC Testing at TC Ubi on 29 March 08
« Reply #37 on: April 18, 2008, 01:07:15 PM »
Hi bros,

Saw this while surfing the net.

Anybody try out before?? the fitting guide says our latio can fix oh.

Offline petra74

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Re: Done FC Testing at TC Ubi on 29 March 08
« Reply #38 on: April 20, 2008, 11:42:38 AM »
Good FC is very possible with Latio.

My average is 15.2km/l for 30 Full Tank from 13 Oct 07 till now. (yes.. i keep track of how many tank and each tank's FC  :yehyeh:)

My Latio Sports (4AT) is Totally Stock except for - Undercarriage bracing, roll bar & struct bar.

How i achieve my FC

- A/C is set to 24
- Tire Pressure ==> 260 front 250 back   :bleh:
- very very gradual acceleration (below 2K) BUT my cruising speed is 100 to 110.  :devil2:
- Travel by expressway whenever possible if the distance from minor road is less than 15% differ

good FC can be achieve... the only question is how


HI Friends.
I just want to share with you all my FC results for the past 11 months, my average FC is between 13 kml to 14 kml depending on the traffic, my footwork, type of roads I drive on (Highway or Cities) etc.  Used to use Lube Control but now they are out of stock in Singapore, cannot wait to get it to improve my pick up speed performance.
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