But somehow its getting on my nerve!Had this noise after an accident in Feb this year!Went to the workshop, they say they cant do anything!Pissed off!
Hi Hi,Anyone exp noise from the boot?Its like "knocking" kinda noise...sth like pail handle keeps knocking the boot.. "knock knock"Recently keep hearing that.. removed everything from my boot le, noise still persist!My milage is abt 38K now... shd i start changing my tyres? If so, what brand?Currently on Dunlop Sports, changed since first month I had my car...Pls advise! Many thanks!!
Maybe something happen to the body frame? Maybe!!
yup yup, mine is sports version.so I guess have to go back to TCM and bug them again!!! *cyclinder and lock*Thanks for the info!!
hm..... most of the time i drive ALONE!maybe later I try yr method!Thanks for sharing!
My latio sports used to have the strange noise of some stuff rubbing together from my boot.I also try to remove everything from my boot and the sound still there.Then i ask my friend to sit at the rear to trace the origin of the sound.But whenever ple st behind, the sound is gone.Later i found out that the sound is caused by the rear sit rubbing against the side of the rear pillar.I used leather conditioner to touch up the contact surface between the seat and the pillar side, the sound is gone....
Hi sky, when you say u removed everything from the boot, does it include the spare tyres and toolkits?, cos I found out my problem with the noise was the toolkit that is not secured...
i also got the "noise" at the boot.it turns out to be at the holder of the CD changer. it was not properly secured.