Guys, I can't help but come in and say something.
Hmm, I have been reading with much dismay about people getting diff Fc's and it's just normal!
Heh heh, like the best i've ever achieved was 13km/l and worse being 11km/l.
I've got ppl telling me they got 16km/l. But in conclusion, it's really the driver, and the road conditions.
I travel city driving and i get 11km/l, and someone else travels TPE PIE CTE SLE BKE KJE SLE AND WADEVER E , haha, won't that give him 13-14km/l?
Hmm, Latio is a comfy car.
Just enjoy the car, and no point squeezing that few km more for ur tank of petrol
By doing this way, you are a slave to the car.
In a sense where, * ohmygod i must get 13km/l if not, my latio is NOT good, compared to others*
Hmm, it's very subjective lor. Live to accept the FC you're getting. But if you start getting abnormalities and start getting 9 to 10, something is wrong. But if consistently you're doing that Xkm/l, just stick to it, and life will be pretty much better.
Hmm, no point frussig as to why person A gets 12 and Person B gets 14, and Person C gets 9... Haha. NO driver is the same.
my 2 bahts worth