since starting this thread, I've not identify a single effective solution to improving FC for latio.
Some suggested stuff like Spider. and all, but i seriously don't think its going to convince me, well at least from the way some contributors are putting it, I still cannot be convinced.
Some bros may or may not agree with me, but many here dumped their FC contributions by citing their travel experience on NSHW or West Malaysia trips, which I strongly disagree in IMHO that it is a good guage for FC.
Do bear in mind we have audiences here who are newbies to driving, and citing or tempting them to make such long trips are nevertheless hazardous.
However I do have some tips to share based on my past 1 yr driving latio
Tyre pressure - Set Front 250Kpi Rear 230
Engine Oil - Shogun 0w-30
Tyre: Stock
To acheive FC of 14-15 heres what my driving conditions were - most of the time a lone, Traving a daily trip of approx 120KM, driving from Changi Airport to Tuas Ave 5, heavy traffice conditions on some stretch of AYE, I drive ave 80-90KM/hr on most segments, but close to tuas I rev a little to 100-110 km/hr as the road really void of cars and U could really see far ahead. Did this for almost 4 days a week, clock total 560km for 39L of added fuel
To Acheive FC of 11-12, my driving conditions were mainly urban, frequent peak hour traffic light jams only 9Km on HW daily. On average I clock 420KM on 36-37L of fuel.
Mos of the time I am between 11-12. times where I burn more fuel waiting to get into town car park.
To make better FC I also findout letting your car warm for abt 3-5 mins during morning startup saves u FC by up to 1 instead of driving off straigt after parking overnight esp on a cooler morning.
Shogun EO 0w30 also makes a lot of difference. FC used to be erratic and unstable with Mineral oils and Fasflo full sync oil. For almost 5K now on shogun, FC are very stable
Since most of us are average car users who drive from home to work and then drop or pickup wife kids, occasional travel to malls on weekends, I can say this car is 11-12 FC only. best obtained was 13, but that was really rare.
Take note also it saves u more fuel and make better FC by switching off engines during car wash if u use the commercial ones.
PS: I love the joy of manual car wash by myself, but when your car gets peppered by bird crap, u gave up washing with your bare hands