Hi all,
I'm wondering how can we tell when to change the tyres?
Ken: either by threadwear, or by mileage
Been using the stock toyo tyres since Feb 07 and started to notice the smaller threats on the tyre started to worn out liao although the main threats seems still okie. Will this affect the perfremance of the tyre during wet conditions?
Ken: Yes.
Knowing that different tyres and driving habbits affect the wear and tear of the tyre, on average how often do we need to change the tyre?
Ken: Averagely, 2 years or 40k. But some of us change to better tires way b4 the stock J50s hit 40k
Also, what are the recommended tyres if I were to change?
Ken: Personally, my past 3 sets of rubbers were from hankook. But if u did a search, u will find names such as GR80, G3, RE001, T1R etc appearing. Depends on what you want also, u want grip, comfort and quiet, then u have to pay more. Cheap thing no good, good thing not cheap, invest in tires well, they are the only thing in contact with the road. The amount of abuse a tire has to go thru is tremendous. Heat, load, traction, wear n tear etc
Sorry for the newbie questions as I'm a first time car owner and am not really sure what are the norms for these maintance thingy.
Ken: No problems, here to share. but i believe questions on tires have been asked and answered quite a fair bit. try searching the forum bro.