Author Topic: High RPM and loud noise when engine starts..Normal??  (Read 4673 times)

Offline xuan511

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High RPM and loud noise when engine starts..Normal??
« on: June 04, 2008, 01:44:18 PM »
Realise that whenever i start the engine (4AT gear at P), the RPM shoots up to 1.5k and stays there till u drive off, den it will go to 1k.. There is also a very loud engine noise.

Guys, is this a norm??
Loving My Whitey

Offline josho

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Re: High RPM and loud noise when engine starts..Normal??
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2008, 03:44:38 PM »
Mine also which I guess the engine just trying to warm up. :)

Does anyone know there's a temperature blue light shown? Whats that tho? Heh..

Offline valeon

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Re: High RPM and loud noise when engine starts..Normal??
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2008, 03:59:32 PM »
Mine also which I guess the engine just trying to warm up. :)

Does anyone know there's a temperature blue light shown? Whats that tho? Heh..

Blue light means the engine is "cold". Aft a while (abt 2-3 mins), the light will just turn off. If I am not rushing, usually I wait till the light off before move the car, let the car warm up.

Offline nick3288

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Re: High RPM and loud noise when engine starts..Normal??
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2008, 04:01:16 PM »
Mine also which I guess the engine just trying to warm up. :)

Does anyone know there's a temperature blue light shown? Whats that tho? Heh..

It's the initial start of the engine.. should be norm! Blue temp light showing your engine still at low temperature (around 20-50 Deg C) after one minute or so when the engine temp raise.. it will disapear.. for my case.. it will go off after 2-3 floor down when i go down from MSCP... ;D
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Offline iagree

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Re: High RPM and loud noise when engine starts..Normal??
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2008, 08:16:27 PM »
Realise that whenever i start the engine (4AT gear at P), the RPM shoots up to 1.5k and stays there till u drive off, den it will go to 1k.. There is also a very loud engine noise.

Guys, is this a norm??

When you first start, it surely shoot to 2krpm.
Then immediately it will drop to 1.5krpm slowly then to below 1krpm , that is to warm up , until the 'blue' light is off then u can drive off. But, normally early morning i have no time to wait for 2min (to fully warm up), i drive off slowly until the blue light is fully off, then i accelerate...

sorry, i must agree because i don't know how to disagree. agreeeee only....

   -iagree, must agree

Offline xuan511

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Re: High RPM and loud noise when engine starts..Normal??
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2008, 09:57:51 AM »
oooo.. icic thanks, just wonder normally the car so quiet but start engine so loud

k problem solved  :yehyeh:
Loving My Whitey