Usually those "tyres burst residue/scraps" by the roadside u c in Msia were from lorries/trucks, becos they use "re-cycled tyres/dipped tyres = tyre celup", where is tends to split/breaks easily, tink not fr cars la..
Dont depend on mileage b4 u change ur tyres, important is to see the tread depth indicator (usually cannot be thinner than a match-stick ~3mm) depth left.. or the years it is manufactured, where the warranty is usually 5 yrs fr mfg date, therefore even the tyre is still quite new/less wear off, better to change after 5 yrs life, becos the materials/rubber inside has started to deteriote.. u can see the week/yr of manufacture on the tyre itself..
For me, I hv used ~55K on the stock tyres, 2nd set of Michellin XM1 ~50K, now on 3rd set Michellin MXV8.. :)