Erm, just wondering, coz the menu says to press brakes before changing gear - what about changing between the various D modes - do I have to brake to a complete stop before I can change between the different D modes? 
you only need to depress the foot brake pedal (and push button A - the top button on the right hand side of the gear selector lever) when you change from Park to Reverse
you do not have to be at complete stop when you shift down to lower gear
if you check the manual, there are speed limits whereby you must not change to lower gear otherwise engine may over-rev and cause engine damage
Position 2 is 100 km/h
Position 1 is 55 km/h
note : when you change from position 2 to position 1, you will need to push the button A
if not sure, you can read pages 5-9 to 5-12 of the manual (Printing : March 2009 (09) version)
hope these will help you