Author Topic: Spider Crack Appearing on 3 months old nissian Latio paint work  (Read 10736 times)


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Hi Bros and sis,
                      has any one encountered any cracking or spider web like crack patterns on the paint work of their nissian latio. Mine is only 3 months old it already has such an issue. According to TC bukit timah, it was caused by external factors.  According to them some tree sap or bird ******** could have fallen on it. and when it dried up could have caused it to crack. Would like to find out if anyone here in this forum is also facing the same problem. In addition, i also find that the pain work scratches easily.

Would be most grateful if anyone can share.

Offline detach8

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Re: Spider Crack Appearing on 3 months old nissian Latio paint work
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2008, 10:05:45 PM »
Paint is indeed very fragile. I think i was parking under a tree and a small twig kena my bumper. i tot the two black spots are dirt.. but when i look closer. no! they are holes! sian  :crying:

touch up paint is useless. makes a big mess. throw them away.

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Re: Spider Crack Appearing on 3 months old nissian Latio paint work
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2008, 10:14:44 PM »
Hi Bros and sis,
                      has any one encountered any cracking or spider web like crack patterns on the paint work of their nissian latio. Mine is only 3 months old it already has such an issue. According to TC bukit timah, it was caused by external factors.  According to them some tree sap or bird s*** could have fallen on it. and when it dried up could have caused it to crack. Would like to find out if anyone here in this forum is also facing the same problem. In addition, i also find that the pain work scratches easily.

Would be most grateful if anyone can share.

Hi Bro,

So did TC repaint/repair it for u FOC? Tree sap/or bird ******** wont crack the paints i tink (fr my personal experience on paints), the most stains it with some "cloudy/blur" pattern, not to the extend of cracking it.. u can argue with them if it is so easily "cracked" by tree sap/or bird shits, then lots of cars will have this problem.. car paints should have some basic protection against crack, cos the sun/weather condition will easily crack them if a bird ******** can crack them too..

Wondering how ur cracks looks like, does it cracked till the lower layer paints, or mayb jus outside "dried crack" pattern which stil can b polished off (not affecting the paints layer)? Check it out..

Offline darrylker

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Re: Spider Crack Appearing on 3 months old nissian Latio paint work
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2008, 10:18:29 PM »
Hi bro,

Sounds like your paintwork quite fragile...for me no spidercrack yet since got my ride for aby 19mths ago...regular grooming interval of abt 1/2 year might have helped...but I did notice at least 2 chip-off in my front bonnet  :mad: Think its due to one of those big cement mixer or truck which tyres hit the small stones & hit back to cars behind... :nonod:


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Re: Spider Crack Appearing on 3 months old nissian Latio paint work
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2008, 08:14:20 AM »
HI guys thanks for your reply appreciate it. As i suspected our latio paint work is pretty fragile . I feel that our paint work is more fragile then other cars. That's my personal opinion. I dun have a special meter to measure how thick the paint really is.

Yes i Have paint chipson my bonet too. Pretty normal just stay clear of the cement trucks. I drive to Tuas all the time.

TCs response was not very good i spent 3 hrs arguing with them and still they refused to repair. They claim not responsible.That they have no controlover where I park my car. When i told them that the  that must be some super JIAO or super Tree. They retracted their statement saying they not sure what it could be blah blah. They even asked me to goto other spray work shops for 3rd opinion. They were damn sure it was not their paint work and were willing to goto the extend of actually debating with the other spray shops painter. Just to prove their point.In the end they just offer me to respray the affected portions.....of coz must $$$$$ lor. almost $500 over. I useto drive a lousy Malaysian car called the Kelisa. Small little thing. That car has an armoured paint work. Be it ******** or sap or what every nothing affects it. Really cool. ONly thing is the service center manager sucks big time.

The crack looks like a crack on the wind screen. The outer lacquer layer has buldge out. The inner layer is still protected. Just worried that my entire car might start to u know crack........ polishing will not help. Instead it might polish alway the remaining lacquer layer. The paint inner layer looks like it has been pulled away but the primer layer seems to be intact.

Overall i am pretty unhappy with the way TC bukit Timah handled the case .I feel that I have been given unfair treatment......My Car is only 3 months old.... Sigh.Nice car but crappy paint work.Any advice in dealing with them?

Offline lyh1280

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Re: Spider Crack Appearing on 3 months old nissian Latio paint work
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2008, 10:20:39 AM »

Suggest you write in and complain by e-mail to their Customer Service/or ur Sales Engineer, I am quite sure that the paints should not crack easily (must have chemical and weather resistance property), and definitely cannot be caused by the Super Tree or Bird ********.. haha.. It will crack only by physical force (eg. hit by metal/hard objects). I speak from coatings/paints of view (err.. :) I am in coatings industry). Just reason with them on your past experience with other cars, also that your car is still very new (3 mths old hor..).

Am not sure if u hv paid for the repair (which u shouldnt also) and so expensive (>$500)= respray the whole area/how big the affected area? u can argue first till they confirm. Must persist..

Let us know wat is the outcome.. :)

Offline valeon

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Re: Spider Crack Appearing on 3 months old nissian Latio paint work
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2008, 11:48:25 AM »

Another sloppy service from TCM....haiz..... :nonod:

Offline darrylker

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Re: Spider Crack Appearing on 3 months old nissian Latio paint work
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2008, 10:28:20 PM »
Another sloppy service from TCM....haiz..... :nonod:

No surprise at all...TCM service getting more questionable nowadays... :nonod:


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Re: Spider Crack Appearing on 3 months old nissian Latio paint work
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2008, 11:48:38 PM »
Hi Darrlker,Thanks ya. I know paint should not crack or warmp or crumple whatever TCM calls it. I am a chemist by training. If such a paint were to easily peel off. it is indeed a product defect of some sort. TCM is getting from bad to worse. The service side just brushed it off. I am also in the service industry and i just see it as plain not being responsible. The service side would not even investigate the cause.When requested to esclate the case to Nissan Japan, they refused to do so. Saying that it is some external factor resfusing to say what. Cause i could almost refute every answer they give. The service section was certainly not very helpful. When pressed for the e-mail for Nissan Japan, he just refused to give it to me.In fact it was my poor sales guy who took the trouble to actually find out how he can help me. . He was most sympatetic unlike the service manager who was like "aiya see before one" external factor blah blah.When confronted that the paint wasn't thick enough, even the service manager admit that it was kinda of thin.But refused to eleborate.  This case has currently being esclated to Nissan Overall Head at bukit Timah. Getting fed up. 3 months only like that. Even my kelisa had a better paint work .Driven it many for 42000km with out any major paint incident a few dings by super tree but the pain survives! Only thing was it wasn't that comfortable. Cannot believe such a reuptable brand like nissan can have such problems. Now my collegues all laugh at me for buying nissan.

If anyone has the same problem. Feel free to join in . If we have a larger population of lations with the same problem, we can force TCM to fix the problem. If they refused. We will should share this information with our fellow Lations let them know of the out come. Avoid certain service centers and dun let them earn any money.Better still switch to other brands.

Someone at TCM even told me that the Japanese cars were never designed to last for more then 10 years. Mentioned something like the cars are to be scrapped every 3 years. If so what's the point in buying a premium Japanese brand. I might as well buy China cars like QQ. In fact the QQ in my car park seems to be doing just fine. Even super Jiao and super shu cannot crack the paint work.I feel like i am buying a lousy car for a high price.

No i have not paid them any money. I have never seen paint work crack before and i will certainly intend to take this up all the way to Nissan Japan  damn pek  with them.

If there are any painters out there i would be most grateful if you guys can shred some additional light.Thanks

Offline lyh1280

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Re: Spider Crack Appearing on 3 months old nissian Latio paint work
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2008, 01:23:38 PM »
Halo Bro,

Yes, u r right, u shd bang table till Nissan Japan.. :) Nissan actually can claim back from their OEM body sprayer who did the painting for them.. and it shld b FOC. Looks like u hv been blocked mayb by TC Sg, ur message might not get to Nissan Jap. It will be good if they have replied to u officially (by email or letter eg. the Super Chao or Shu, haha), and then u can argue with them more effectively with your professional experience/views... :)

Happened to me once on my front dashboard center console/cover (the one covering the aircond, radio), where kena some of my perfume liquid and it actually "eats/attacks" til the plastic substrate area, but managed to get them get it replaced FOC when I argue from coatings point of view.. hehe.. me also a chemist background (chemistry). Btw, i hv dealed with TC Ubi all the while for my servicing, service still ok to me.. :)

Good luck to u..



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Re: Spider Crack Appearing on 3 months old nissian Latio paint work
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2008, 08:41:18 AM »
Hi All here is the latest update. I banged table to TCM. I finally got to meet the big guy Mr Boo Boo Seng.  He showed me that it was the clear coat lacquer that cracked.  He polish it down and the surface was smoothen. After which i still made more noise and he agreed to respray the clear lacquer coating on roof,bonet and the boot. He has also offered to put a one time offer of heavy wax to "protect" the car. They even tried to convince me that all paint work is the same blah blah.  Not sure what is going on either as i have observed only like 6 cars around my work area and my home.  But these days i take extra care to make sure if i park under a tree, i will put a car cover on my car. Really weak paint work. Keep a couple of baby wet wipes nearby too they cme in really handy to get rid of bird ******** fast! But honestly, i am puzzled why the paint work can crack. I see other car makes not having this problem. My old Kelisa has armoured paint!!!!! While i am happy that he has taken steps to resolved my car issue. I am wondering why my paint work is so crappy.They could not give me a proper explaination either but keeps saying it is external factor. But still i love this car for it's fuel eficiency and it's super comfortable seats. Maybe after a couple of years i will respray it to yellow :P my fav colour!

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Re: Spider Crack Appearing on 3 months old nissian Latio paint work
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2008, 09:22:16 AM »
It really worries me that Latio paint is so thin and so many owners face problems with their paint.   :nonod:

Offline detach8

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Re: Spider Crack Appearing on 3 months old nissian Latio paint work
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2008, 11:07:03 AM »
The paintwork is indeed fragile. I had mine park under a car and small twigs and what not fell, the paint actually chipped off the bumper and there's 2 black holes now on my white car. Touchup paint is crap, don't bother using it.

I would suggest you get a contact and write direct to Nissan Japan. A similar story for my cousin's Motorola phone he actually wrote to Hong Kong and the issue escalated back to upper management here in SG. Phone also can escalate, I'm sure you can fix your car problems.

Do it, I'm standing by you.

I'm quite sure that my crappy boot noise can be fixed, but SE simply gave me the "it's like that rah!" answer. I am damn pissed - I know it's freaking like that in every other car, that's why you must fix all the damn car lah!

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Re: Spider Crack Appearing on 3 months old nissian Latio paint work
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2008, 12:49:32 PM »
Paint is indeed very fragile. I think i was parking under a tree and a small twig kena my bumper. i tot the two black spots are dirt.. but when i look closer. no! they are holes! sian  :crying:

touch up paint is useless. makes a big mess. throw them away.

hi detach8

aiyo, so many problem :(

Hi Bros and sis,
                      has any one encountered any cracking or spider web like crack patterns on the paint work of their nissian latio. Mine is only 3 months old it already has such an issue. According to TC bukit timah, it was caused by external factors.  According to them some tree sap or bird s*** could have fallen on it. and when it dried up could have caused it to crack. Would like to find out if anyone here in this forum is also facing the same problem. In addition, i also find that the pain work scratches easily.

Would be most grateful if anyone can share.

bird shitssss is sickening. it might go deep into the paint n is hard to wash it off. i tried once, spent few min to clean it (but still can feel the 'rough' when i rub on that area)!

scratches is unavoidable also, just give and take. as long as it is not too serious/obvious.

sorry, i must agree because i don't know how to disagree. agreeeee only....

   -iagree, must agree

Offline detach8

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Re: Spider Crack Appearing on 3 months old nissian Latio paint work
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2008, 01:26:18 PM »
eh i didnt know i post a reply before liao. jialat. memory loss.

Offline iagree

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Re: Spider Crack Appearing on 3 months old nissian Latio paint work
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2008, 02:54:07 PM »
eh i didnt know i post a reply before liao. jialat. memory loss.

Don't worry.
sorry, i must agree because i don't know how to disagree. agreeeee only....

   -iagree, must agree


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Re: Spider Crack Appearing on 3 months old nissian Latio paint work
« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2008, 09:12:52 PM »
Well. problem is i cannot read Japanese. A twig fell on my car today and wah liao damn pissed. Useless sia. Problem is how to wrtie to Nissan Japan. Cannot find the e-mail address. if i can i will wrtie to Nissan Japan. The dealers here are also very very smart try to pacify me. Does anyone know how to get the Nissan Japan e-mail address. We can launch a combined complain against their lousy paint work! Branch drop also paint come off so lousy! AFter today i see already i also sian with Nissan. 

But to be fair. I heard the new altis is no good also. Made in thailand. But when then hai the pain work is still better.

So if anyone knows or can get hold of nissan japan e-mail i will be most grateful if you can private or put it in the forum.

Offline darrylker

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Re: Spider Crack Appearing on 3 months old nissian Latio paint work
« Reply #17 on: July 17, 2008, 09:59:54 PM »
Jialat....petrol price rising, TCM servicing lousy, now paintwork sort of low quality...what else is next for our precious ride?  :scared:


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Re: Spider Crack Appearing on 3 months old nissian Latio paint work
« Reply #18 on: July 18, 2008, 08:33:40 AM »
welll you know what consumers do. We simply stop complaining

Offline lyh1280

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Re: Spider Crack Appearing on 3 months old nissian Latio paint work
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2008, 12:21:39 PM »
Well. problem is i cannot read Japanese. A twig fell on my car today and wah liao damn pissed. Useless sia. Problem is how to wrtie to Nissan Japan. Cannot find the e-mail address. if i can i will wrtie to Nissan Japan. The dealers here are also very very smart try to pacify me. Does anyone know how to get the Nissan Japan e-mail address. We can launch a combined complain against their lousy paint work! Branch drop also paint come off so lousy! AFter today i see already i also sian with Nissan. 

But to be fair. I heard the new altis is no good also. Made in thailand. But when then hai the pain work is still better.

So if anyone knows or can get hold of nissan japan e-mail i will be most grateful if you can private or put it in the forum.

Bro, 1st of all, u mind telling us who u hv write-in to complain at TC? And the reply fr them? Urs at TC Bkt Timah rite? I would say shd b sufficient if u can write-in to TC with ur official professional opinion on the paints quality, want to know how they reply.. :)
