eh hello iagree bro....OT means off topic....not overtime la....and dun buaya here la...people got problem here leh....and u keep ka jiao here....liew. Offer a solution la...not cause more problems...LOL
hello alantan9,
ic. that is the meaning of OT.
but no OT leh, i told her that just bear with noise, it cannot be solved.
well, solved already on day #1, day #2 come again. how many times are we going to keep bothering abt this irritating noise? just bear with it. or, alternatively, sell it off and get a luxury car like BMW (Car), Merz, or Lexus. Warranty covered very kaukau, sign up for maintenance contracts, FOC if any problem happen. Of coz the price is aso very kaukau. But customer service is surely be very tuk kong one! U guys agree bo?
btw, no buaya leh. u feel that i am buayaing meh?
anyhow, just ignore the noise... unless something very serious happen for eg. something which might affect your sterling (to drop out), wheel (drop out?), tyres puncit, and so on. otherwise, just bear with it. take care.