simply buy a small packet/box of roach poison. a kind bro once gave me just alittle bit, and that worked like magic. quite a few roaches died in the box after eating the poison.
Oh. if that helps, then good.i also heard that putting pandan leaves will be able to help abit? they will run away?
hithanks.but donno why have cockroaches leh? so small one. may be their mother is inside the car?
ya their parents in the car. quick get them out! if not they will multiply and get fatter and fatter. if not die and decompose in the car.
daiso $2.. got cockroach trap. quite good i heard.anyway does pandan leaves remove durian smell ?
Yes, pandan leave smell will chase away the Xiao Chiang
The best way to avoid having cockroaches in your car is to avoid eating inside your car.
Small boys wana to eat, how to stop him leh?And, sometime we are in a rush, no time to eat, so ta pao and eat in the car while driving.How leh?
if no choice, then have to clean the interior thoroughly - vacuum and remember the joints/folds in the leather seats, also under the seats and put roach poisoncan also put pandan leaves
I will try.Must put alot?