Author Topic: Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?  (Read 23710 times)

Offline Latiorarri

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Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?
« on: July 15, 2008, 02:58:39 PM »
Hi folks, been surfing the net the whole morning trying to find a car seat for my little one coming in mid Aug. So far, Britax and Cosco seems to be the better brands. I'm looking for those suitable from birth to about 4 years old kind. budget about $300++.  From some of the parenthood forums there is mention that not all car seats fit properly in different cars. So am wondering what Lation are using.

Comments, Advises Lobangs?

Offline iagree

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Re: Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2008, 03:46:06 PM »
wanna to buy one last time but didnt buy. so now no need liao.

is gd to have anyway.

bear in mind, some baby dun like to sit .
sorry, i must agree because i don't know how to disagree. agreeeee only....

   -iagree, must agree

Offline clarence

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Re: Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2008, 04:05:03 PM »
Those from birth to 4 yr old types are not really suitable for babies from birth till 4 to 6 mth old as their recline is not that much and it may strain baby's neck. But if you get one specifically for birth to 6 mth old, it is expensive at over $100.

Since baby will seldom go out during first 6 mth, can just do without a car seat and let baby try car seat at shopping mall when baby is 6 mth old and see whether baby is comfortable in it and if baby wants to sit in it.

I have come across many parents who buy a baby car seat prematurely and their child does not want to sit in it and it becomes a white elephant.

Avoid those velvet types that they are notorious for trapping dust and affects babies with asthma.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2008, 04:06:36 PM by clarence »

Offline FamilyManz

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Re: Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2008, 04:11:54 PM »
Hi folks, been surfing the net the whole morning trying to find a car seat for my little one coming in mid Aug. So far, Britax and Cosco seems to be the better brands. I'm looking for those suitable from birth to about 4 years old kind. budget about $300++.  From some of the parenthood forums there is mention that not all car seats fit properly in different cars. So am wondering what Lation are using.

Comments, Advises Lobangs?

MaxiCosi :)

Good for you to consider such.  :thumbsup:

Car seat is a must for kiddo.  One dun need an accident to utilise the benefit of a car, unforsee braking also might result a kid to flung ard.

Though kiddo might not want to sit initially....always persist.... speaking from experience.... both of my kiddos also dun like to sit initially.... but now they know its a requirement they have to fulfil before I move off the car.....

Latio dun have the point restrain (tat comes with Euro & some Sushi cars) from the rear tat secure the car seat, so..... just have to use the best method to secure with existing seat belt.

For myself.... I use mainly Graco..... but then...different stages (Bassinet, Reclining seat, Boaster Seat) rather than all in 1  :smile:
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Offline FamilyManz

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Re: Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2008, 04:16:34 PM »
But if you get one specifically for birth to 6 mth old, it is expensive at over $100.

Lucky baby (or likewise) brand bassinet cost about $60~80, brand new.

Will be better if get from hands down from parent who does not have needs for bassinet at the moment

Mine was passed to my colleague when my #1 outgrown the bassinet
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Offline clarence

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Re: Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2008, 04:52:22 PM »
Those below $100 bassinet, eg. Luckybaby brand are very hard and do not have adequate cushioning. If you add the cost of buying additional cushions, total price will add up to >$100.

And for thsoe who aspire to own a Ferrari but could not afford one, here's your chance  :devil2:  -

Selling for $380 at Robinsons if I remember correctly. It is a Made-in-France Aprica brand Ferrari licensed product.

You can find more child seats here but even the branded ones are made-in-China.  :nonod:
« Last Edit: July 15, 2008, 05:02:56 PM by clarence »

Offline FamilyManz

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Re: Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2008, 05:22:12 PM »
Those below $100 bassinet, eg. Luckybaby brand are very hard and do not have adequate cushioning. If you add the cost of buying additional cushions, total price will add up to >$100.

hardness is due to the thin material agasint the plastic.....all I did is just place old cotton clothings/cloth diapers, under the original covers.... to make it more comfy, better than those so call higher range bassinet & u can chose to enhance it based on preferences.

its really simple.... i go take photo when I have time :smile:

its almost the same for those better brand.... For Graco booster seat tat my #1 is using.... I also add cotton padding to make it more comfy.....
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Offline Latiorarri

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Re: Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2008, 10:24:09 PM »
MaxiCosi :)

Good for you to consider such.  :thumbsup:

Car seat is a must for kiddo.  One dun need an accident to utilise the benefit of a car, unforsee braking also might result a kid to flung ard.

Though kiddo might not want to sit initially....always persist.... speaking from experience.... both of my kiddos also dun like to sit initially.... but now they know its a requirement they have to fulfil before I move off the car.....

Latio dun have the point restrain (tat comes with Euro & some Sushi cars) from the rear tat secure the car seat, so..... just have to use the best method to secure with existing seat belt.

For myself.... I use mainly Graco..... but then...different stages (Bassinet, Reclining seat, Boaster Seat) rather than all in 1  :smile:

Yah loh.. Latio dun have the Latch or ISOFIX system..  :( Familymanz where u usually get your Graco seats?? any specific place?? forum alot of people say go ubi baby hypermart.. tomorrow on leave.. prob go there look see look see.  ;)

Offline Latiorarri

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Re: Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2008, 10:25:53 PM »
Hi bros, thanks for all the advise.. prob go look see tomorrow then decide.. bringing my wife and 2nd wife (Latio) out for a R&R tomorrow.  :yehyeh:

Offline FamilyManz

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Re: Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2008, 11:38:14 PM »
Yah loh.. Latio dun have the Latch or ISOFIX system..  :( Familymanz where u usually get your Graco seats?? any specific place?? forum alot of people say go ubi baby hypermart.. tomorrow on leave.. prob go there look see look see.  ;)

I usually get from sales @ Toy R Us or Robinson.....

the Ubi ones ar..... remember to bargain.... & do ur survey b4 going down
Baby's HyperStore Pte Ltd
69, Kaki Bukit Ave 1, Shun Li Industrial Park, Singapore 417947
Ph : 6844 1123 ; Fax : 6844 1189

Baby's Kingdom
See Seng Enterprises Pte Ltd.
83, Kaki Bukit Avenue 1, #01-00, Shun Li Industrial Park, Singapore 417954
Ph : 6547 1677 ; Fax : 6547 1805

Btw, when ya kiddo arriving?
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Offline Ender

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Re: Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2008, 01:05:29 AM »
Look out for John Little, Robinson or Metro warehouse sales at Singapore Expo. I bougt mine from the hypermart at UBi at about $299... Saw a similar later in Singapore expo sales at $199...

Offline clarence

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Re: Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2008, 09:30:36 AM »
Prices at Baby Kingdom and Baby Hyperstore at Ubi are not cheap, so you may want to give it a miss. Many people think that it is a "Warehouse" and so prices are cheap. It is not really true. You will notice that their babies' toys and accessories etc. are even more expensive than those at Robinsons.

It is better to wait for a John Little or Robinsons sale at Expo which is definitely cheaper.


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Re: Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2008, 10:29:24 AM »
If I am not wrong, Baby Hypermart is the distributor for Maxi Cosi. If you bargain, usually can get at a better price than outside. During their sales, you can catch a good deal. So, I think it's worthwhile to make a trip to Baby Hypermart if you want a Maxi Cosi.

Offline aerosignal

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Re: Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2008, 10:45:43 AM »
My baby used a $80 bassinet up to about 10 months. Really nice because she can sleep and we can carry her home without disturbing her. After that, I have a Safety 1st (Australian) rear facing + fwd facing convertible which costs me about $250 during one of the Taka sales. That can be used up to 18 kg in the fwd direction and is still being used in my dad's car.
For my car, she has a sunshine kids fwd-rear convertible Radian 65 which can seat up to 65 lbs. The sunshine kids is foldable (but rather heavy because all metal) and is FAA certified so it can be used on aircraft. I bought this from a shop in Paragon for about $400.

The usual minimum weight for fwd facing set up is about 11 kg and never set a car seat in the front!

Our cars do not even have the top anchors that is recommended by most seat manufacturers so I had it ordered through nissan and installed myself. Interested can take a look at set up during Megameet.

My girl has been in a seat since the day she was brought out from hospital and there are no exceptions to the rule so she buckles herself in now.

Be safe and as the Aussies say: "Click clack, front and back". :thumbsup:

Offline clarence

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Re: Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2008, 10:49:18 AM »
Baby Hypermart prices are fixed. You cannot bargain.

Offline FamilyManz

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Re: Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2008, 12:20:31 PM »
Baby Hypermart prices are fixed. You cannot bargain.

not true..... i bargain $60 off a baby cot for buddy b4....

just tell them XXX is selling cheaper... :smile:
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Re: Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?
« Reply #16 on: July 16, 2008, 12:45:43 PM »
I bought a Britax first class convertible car seat from mothercare for around $380. Have not used it yet since my baby is due end of Aug. But the seat looks very good with alot of padding and also a very thick & comfy infant cusion when the seat is used in a rear facing position for infant.

You need to read the instruction manual carefully first before attempting to install the car seat as the belt will not fit if done wrongly. The sales girl at the mother care store had some difficulty fitting the belt around the seat as she did it wrongly (although she managed to do it finally). I realized her mistake when i read the manual at home after i purchased the seat and tried it again was much easier this time round.

So far this is one of the best car seats which i have come across for infant as it has more padding compared to the rest which are around the same price.

Offline rainboy

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Re: Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?
« Reply #17 on: July 16, 2008, 01:29:57 PM »
I was fortunate to have received a 2nd hand baby seat (for babies up to 9kg).  After my girl outgrew it, we bought a MaxiCosi one that can last her until 4 years old.  Got it from John Little during sale.

No point going to Ubi unless you don't mind the discontinued models.  The prices for the current models are higher there than Robinsons/John Little during sale.

And regarding not putting the child in a carseat, please don't even think about it.  Remember the accident on the NS highway.

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Re: Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?
« Reply #18 on: July 16, 2008, 04:48:18 PM »
I am using a 2nd hand car seat for my baby too, the real challenge is how to put him in without the crying which can really unsettle me  :crying:
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Re: Baby Car Seat, what do you guys/gals use?
« Reply #19 on: July 16, 2008, 07:43:42 PM »
wanna to buy one last time but didnt buy. so now no need liao.

is gd to have anyway.

bear in mind, some baby dun like to sit .

ya. i wasted ohne. Buy liao he dun wana seat. still prefer bao bao