Author Topic: Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?  (Read 31213 times)

Offline iagree

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Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?
« on: July 19, 2008, 03:55:15 PM »
Received an email from a friend, he forwarded to me.
Just to share you with you.... Pls read...
I am worry my Stock Toyo tyres can tahan this kind of road or not?

Subject: Fwd: Fw: user of our North-South Expressway

Subject: Fw: user of our North-South Expressway
Dear TV3 and The Star,

I am a frequent user of our North-South Expressway and I have this IMPORTANT experience to highlight and share:-

I was driving back to Penang yesterday afternoon (24 June 08) when I saw the unfortunate accident in the opposite direction involving the passenger bus that skidded and overturned at Tanjung Malim. I didn't know that the skidded bus was from hometown Penang until I watched TV3 news later in the evening and was shocked to learn that the accident took two lives.

Now, this is what I need to share:-

I am a building contractor with over twenty years of experience and I have been driving my 5 series BMW (latest generation and a dammed solid road holding car) each time I travelled to KL. Lately, the new extended 3 lanes highway had been opened up for use and since then, I have also been using it quite oftenly.

HOWEVER, when I used it each time it is WET, I can really 'feel' that the new road surface is extremely SLIPPERY! To share with some of you, my car comes with a built-in traction control mechanism (skidding prevention
mechanism) and you can feel it each time it is activated. Previously, I don't come across this kind of slippery feel except when I drive over a paddle of water at certain speed.

From my observation as a building contractor, the 'wearing course' of the new road surface could be TOO FINE OR TOO SMOOTH and TOTALLY UNSUITABLE for highway use!
The wearing course (top premix layer) mix design for highways should be of minimum 20mm coarse aggregate mix that will give us the required bond between the surface and our tires. Fine wearing course (14mm coarse aggregate size and below) is only suitable for normal road. (A proper test need to be carried out to determine the mix design of the wearing course).

Since the opening of the three lanes highway, I had seen cars skidding in front me or in the opposite direction and approximately 2 weeks ago, one of my friends who is also a frequent user of our NSE, came to share with me about his slippery feeling as well as the many skidded cars he had seen lately.

I am highlighting this to TV3 and The Star with the hope that a thorough investigation could be carried out immediately to find out how or what causes the bus to skid. A proper and independent test need to be carried out urgently to determine the design mix of the wearing course. THIS CAN SAVE LIVES.



Jensen Yeoh
sorry, i must agree because i don't know how to disagree. agreeeee only....

   -iagree, must agree

Offline clarence

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Re: Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2008, 04:04:13 PM »
I think if you keep to the speed limit of 110km/h, properly inflate your tyres, make sure it has adequate thread left, has no physical damages, keep a comfortable distance from the car in front of you and be mentally alert at all times, the stock Toyo tyres are fine.

Offline Jazz

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Re: Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2008, 06:51:42 PM »
Just now collected my Amsoil oil from Raymond, together with another Lations, they also went to Cameron Highlands and Genting using stocks Toyo also reached home safely. It the driver that play the most part of safety.  :smile:

Offline NSman

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Re: Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2008, 07:38:02 PM »

Dont Speed, Should be any problem, unless ur tyre totally wear out..
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Offline darrylker

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Re: Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2008, 09:24:52 PM »
Had experience skidding along MSCP using the stock tyres...but overall our toyo tyres still quite reliable while cruising, juz make sure check tyre pressure fortnightly... ;)

Offline detach8

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Re: Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2008, 11:32:56 AM »
MSCP is figgin smooth man i think almost any tyre also skid

Key is drive slow. NSHW has alot of things that have to look out for - road condition, cross wind, other cars...

don't underestimate cross wind. on a slippery road and travelling at >100kph our car start to get "floaty". a crosswind can blow yoru car across 3 lanes in a few seconds. if bad enough your car will simply flip over.

Offline Carmodz

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Re: Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2008, 11:48:06 AM »
I think that buying or recommending tyres must first depend on the driver's profile.

Better tyres can give better grip and shorter braking distance, but like what other bros have said, simply drive slower and keep a longer distance between cars will do the trick.

Offline iagree

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Re: Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2008, 12:03:17 PM »
If wanna to speed, must change the tyres then.

If we drive to KL, it's very UNLIKELY NOT to speed!!! It's like driving for few years if we drive slowly at 110kmh!
sorry, i must agree because i don't know how to disagree. agreeeee only....

   -iagree, must agree

Offline lyh1280

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Re: Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2008, 02:13:55 PM »
Again topics on whether the stock tyre reliable or not, whether on normal road or highway..  :bleh:

No problem 1 la, the stocks tyre not bad la, Nissan won't use it if it is not safe..  :bleh:

For records, I have drove on stocks tyres till 55K, up n down KL many times, twice up to Penang n Genting, no problem la..

Unless u wan performance tyres, then not the same la..  ;)

Safety is still in the hands of the driver..  ::)

Offline Silver

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Re: Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2008, 02:32:38 PM »
tyres are designed with the following performance characteristics :

driving comfort
tread wear
general handling
rolling resistance
dry traction
wet traction
water dispersion
resistance to aquaplaning
straight line performance
cornering performance
stopping distance

think of it folks, if stock (OE) tyres are really that bad, the car and the tyre companies are risking being sued for selling sub-standard products
Be safe. Go with the flo.

Offline clarence

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Re: Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2008, 03:19:05 PM »
I think it is not just the tyres  but you also have to understand the handling characteristics of your car.

Latio is a saloon with high drag CD. It is not  asports car, so don't expect it to handle like one.

With ABS, stock Latio tyres very much do their job for normal highway driving conditions.

If I remember correctly, speed rating for Latio stock Toyo tyres is up to 180km/h.


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Re: Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2008, 08:06:25 PM »
If in wet condition our stock sure cannot take it lor! if kena water ponding then good luck to u lor, if lucky enough u won't skid...if not then... :crycry: too bad
Definitely the speed you r driving play very inportant part.....80km/hrs sure safe lah if u are the chiong type always going at 110, and during NSHW M'sia speed at above 130 above u might need the better tyres with bigger width lor....

Offline machim

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Re: Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2008, 08:38:10 PM »
Is it worth to risk your life over few hundred dollars of new tyres?
Toyo tyres can perform during dry condition but it possess a risk of skidding during wet condition.
Of coz like some bro said that it depends on your driving style and other factors, but the risk is still there.

It is up to you to decide whether traveling at 110km/h on highway, can you afford the risk of tyres skidding?

Offline iagree

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Re: Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2008, 02:19:15 PM »
If in wet condition our stock sure cannot take it lor! if kena water ponding then good luck to u lor, if lucky enough u won't skid...if not then... :crycry: too bad
Definitely the speed you r driving play very inportant part.....80km/hrs sure safe lah if u are the chiong type always going at 110, and during NSHW M'sia speed at above 130 above u might need the better tyres with bigger width lor....

hi ultramax

thanks for your info lor
in NSHW, i drive up to 170km/h one.
with stock tyre.
wet raining day dun speed lor.

sorry, i must agree because i don't know how to disagree. agreeeee only....

   -iagree, must agree

Offline Indignant

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Re: Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2008, 03:29:38 PM »
hi ultramax

thanks for your info lor
in NSHW, i drive up to 170km/h one.
with stock tyre.
wet raining day dun speed lor.


iagree can go up to 170 ah... hmmm... when i was at 140 at NSHW, can feel that the car is floating le....


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Re: Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?
« Reply #15 on: July 28, 2008, 10:52:32 PM »
iagree can go up to 170 ah... hmmm... when i was at 140 at NSHW, can feel that the car is floating le....

Ha.... must be  iagree damm chiong type with stock tyre and ramm to 170 oh! i go to 170 only after I replace my stock suspension kit to impul one lor!! safety 1st and know yr machine welll :yehyeh:

I agree with u Indignant that with stock suspension yr car definitely float above 140, now w my impul suspension kit even at 170 u won't feel at all...

Offline iagree

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Re: Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2008, 09:09:41 AM »
iagree can go up to 170 ah... hmmm... when i was at 140 at NSHW, can feel that the car is floating le....

hi Indignant,

Last Fri night. Back to Msia again, ever hit 180kmh, not really got the floating feel but felt it is damn fast (may be that is what you meant by floating) so I slow down to < 160kmh. Maintain at abt 120 to 150kmh.
sorry, i must agree because i don't know how to disagree. agreeeee only....

   -iagree, must agree

Offline iagree

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Re: Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?
« Reply #17 on: July 29, 2008, 09:19:24 AM »

Ha.... must be  iagree damm chiong type with stock tyre and ramm to 170 oh! i go to 170 only after I replace my stock suspension kit to impul one lor!! safety 1st and know yr machine welll :yehyeh:

I agree with u Indignant that with stock suspension yr car definitely float above 140, now w my impul suspension kit even at 170 u won't feel at all...

hi ultramax & all,

oh, not really cheong type, it is just the power with CVT, i oni accelerate as per normal and on flatter road & road is unblock then it can cheong up to 170kmh 180kmh without my knowing. when i beep at the meter then i was shocked, quickly reduce speed. that's the story.

serious? above 140kmh will feel float? i have confident with my ride, therefore, when i feel comfortable, i let it go as fast as it can. i am always paying attention to my ride when i drive off daily. if it has abit of unstable (based on my personal feeling and senses) then i will not speed. safety come first. compare with my 1998's Proton Wira, that wira aso can speed up to 170kmh when it was new, now it is abt 10yrs old, i dare not speed already, i thk at most 100kmh to 110kmh in NSHW is not a problem, but i hardly drive this Wira after i got my Latio last yr Oct07.

in short, the 'feeling' for our lover (the car, in this scenario) is very important. when i have confident with her, i dare to lut otherwise dun lut. just like when i got this ride oct2007, i dare not speed, reasons:
1) car still new
2) engine still a virgin. very new. so must let it has some lubricating effects first before drive faster otherwise its life might be shorten
3) i don't know the condition of this new lover and the body and the engine, don't know stable or not. so, cheong fast is not advisable
4) after 1000km servicing (1st servicing @ TCM), i then dare to speed up to 110kmh to 130kmh (coz i always travel to msia, once every 2wk, so speed is impt to determine how long i can reach the destination...)
5) after the confident has been built up with the new lover, we can cheong BUT still need to detect and sense and FEEL her from time to time.... as it is still *new*. now is 24000km already.
6) alot of things to take into consideration.... etc.etc...

"FEEL" the ride, before we speed! you agree?

how much do u pay for your Impul suspension? Really so good?

« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 09:22:11 AM by iagree »
sorry, i must agree because i don't know how to disagree. agreeeee only....

   -iagree, must agree

Offline clarence

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Re: Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?
« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2008, 09:52:08 AM »
Yes, I fully agree.

One must be fully familiar and comfortable with the handling characteristics and functions of the car before speeding.   ;D

Know the limits of your car before pushing it.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 09:54:03 AM by clarence »


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Re: Stock Toyo Tyres On NSHW, BOLEH?
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2008, 09:20:14 PM »
hi ultramax & all,

oh, not really cheong type, it is just the power with CVT, i oni accelerate as per normal and on flatter road & road is unblock then it can cheong up to 170kmh 180kmh without my knowing. when i beep at the meter then i was shocked, quickly reduce speed. that's the story.

serious? above 140kmh will feel float? i have confident with my ride, therefore, when i feel comfortable, i let it go as fast as it can. i am always paying attention to my ride when i drive off daily. if it has abit of unstable (based on my personal feeling and senses) then i will not speed. safety come first. compare with my 1998's Proton Wira, that wira aso can speed up to 170kmh when it was new, now it is abt 10yrs old, i dare not speed already, i thk at most 100kmh to 110kmh in NSHW is not a problem, but i hardly drive this Wira after i got my Latio last yr Oct07.

in short, the 'feeling' for our lover (the car, in this scenario) is very important. when i have confident with her, i dare to lut otherwise dun lut. just like when i got this ride oct2007, i dare not speed, reasons:
1) car still new
2) engine still a virgin. very new. so must let it has some lubricating effects first before drive faster otherwise its life might be shorten
3) i don't know the condition of this new lover and the body and the engine, don't know stable or not. so, cheong fast is not advisable
4) after 1000km servicing (1st servicing @ TCM), i then dare to speed up to 110kmh to 130kmh (coz i always travel to msia, once every 2wk, so speed is impt to determine how long i can reach the destination...)
5) after the confident has been built up with the new lover, we can cheong BUT still need to detect and sense and FEEL her from time to time.... as it is still *new*. now is 24000km already.
6) alot of things to take into consideration.... etc.etc...

"FEEL" the ride, before we speed! you agree?

how much do u pay for your Impul suspension? Really so good?


For sure the feel w yr machine must be there lor... but w stock tyre u lut to 180 little bit riskiy leh, offcourse for a while is ok but NSHW all the way up 180 wowww! salute u!! anyway 185~190 is the max our latio can go, provided u add IMPUL COMPRESSOR KIT CR-02
I pay RM3150 for my Impul suspension at TCM jOHOR jAYA.