More recently, my 2-year old latio (CVT) started to emit sound when "e e e e e..."...Esp bad when reversing..
I sent my car to TC for servicing and they claimed there is nothing wrong with the brake system. Brake pads everything ok.
Not convinced by the answer, I asked again anyway to resolve the problem once and for all, they claimed that it is brake dust that caused the sound..
Seriously, I am still not convinced given that they just service the car and the problem came back within less than a week. Everytime you ask, they give the same answer but not solution
I hardly see (or hear) other cars emitting such sound most of the time. Also, for the past 2 years, my car don't give such problem..Furthermore, I have been regularly sending my car for maintenance in accordance to the schedule time table. I just wonder whether I have to send my car to TC every week to service the brake ! 
Not sure if anyone can advise on this? I hope to identify the root of the problem and resolve it..
Thanks in advance
Hi, 3 possible causes
1) wheel assignment couldbe out ;
2) CVT oil need to change ;
3) brake disk lining is dirty
for 1 & 2 , check with TC
for 3 , can go htyre @bendemeer road
below is the desc of the service. hope it helps. cheers
Brake Disk Lining Cleaning System
BRAKE FLUID EXCHANGE: Brake fluid is hygroscopic; whereby it absorbs moisture from the atmosphere, usually through the master cylinder reservoir and permeable brake hoses, requiring regular service.
Moisture contamination lowers the boiling point of brake fluid. Even under ordinary driving conditions the contamination can cause the brake fluid to boil, releasing vapour in your brake system. When vapor is compressed inside the system one of the most dreaded driving crises - a dangerously low brake pedal or even no brake pedal could develop.
At the same time, when moisture contaminated brake fluid reaches high temperatures (450 to 500 degrees) an electrochemical reaction makes fluid highly acidic. This acid degrades the steel lines, rubber hoses, and can cause early failure of the cast iron and aluminum components in your brakes. Part of the H TYRE brake servicing is to exchange a new flush of brake fluid for your car using the multi-function EC-900C. This service will only set you back SGD$28. It's a small price to pay for the safety of you and your passengers!
BRAKE CLEANING: Most cars are equipped with brake sensors which send out signals when linings are worn to the point of needing replacement. However it is better to have a periodic brake check and have your brakes cleaned as hazardous dust, oil, grease and dirt deposit on the brakes over time. As all these harmful deposits reduce braking efficiency, at H TYRE, we have the WH-702 which loosens and removes these deposits ensuring smooth braking.Our responsible mechanics will have your brakes cleaned after the brake service.
Many problems can go undiscovered until total failure occurs.The best time to have your brakes checked and cleaned is during your routine tyre rotation and or wheel balance as the tyres must be removed for this service.