Whenever i'm in the area near VivoCity, i like to go to the SPC opposite VivoCity to do my car wash coz they hire students from MINDS. Great service & u get to support these students! If any of u happen to be nearby, why dun u give them a try? 
any other/similar services by MINDS in AMK area?
I use a sponge like wax applicator (at Jap $2 shop in vivo city), easy to use, hand not so sticky and I think it help me to save some wax compare to the time I use cloth.
some say rainX not so good but I still use it. It makes a big different during heavy rain (small rain dun need to on wiper), visibility improve a lot. A must have for me.
One product to protect external plastic/rubber parts,( the black plastic on the roof, near wiper, under the door etc).
WD40.... itcy hand can spay spay here spay spay there. It also helps to remove tar, dried bird xxxx.
oh... one more thing to get for a person like me... a stool or some thing to reach every corner on the roof.