Author Topic: Is it too late to buy a nissan latio 2007?  (Read 31263 times)

Offline Keromond

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Re: Is it too late to buy a nissan latio 2007?
« Reply #60 on: August 06, 2008, 11:42:57 AM »

So you paid $53,300 nett?

That means your price before the $500 'Nissan Owner' discount is $53,800?

Seems quite expensive, as some people here have paid only $53,000 (no 'Nissan Owner' discount) for 4A/T and got free leather seats, sports rims, DS3 body kit, window tinting, fog lamps and window tinting.

My Se even told me...53.5k is exclusive of sports rim n leather seats.....only free give me sports rim n leather seats ...still charge me 53.5k....anyway...they all out to earn one...we want to buy... wat to do now

Offline clarence

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Re: Is it too late to buy a nissan latio 2007?
« Reply #61 on: August 06, 2008, 11:55:27 AM »
They are trying to clear stocks of their old pre facelift model.

It is normal practise to give more freebies to entice the customer to bite, in order for them to get rid of their 1 yr old stocks sitting idle in the warehouse.

If these 1 yr old stocks cannot be cleared, they will even suffer more losses in having to give more discounts later.

Look at those *YOM2006 Honda Accords still sitting in the warehouse and the HUGE discounts Kah Motors is giving to clear these old stocks. Makes these Accords an even better deal than the Cefiro or Teana. These Accords come with 5 speed auto, unlike the Cefiro / Teana's outdated 4 speed auto.

*YOM = Year Of manufacture

Offline clarence

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Re: Is it too late to buy a nissan latio 2007?
« Reply #62 on: August 06, 2008, 04:16:09 PM »
Cos me n my fren got the car together, thus bargained for it....we paid 53.3k....not really that good deal rite...since u got it for 53K nett...anyway...if urs can be cancelled...might as well do it..since $80 can get liao.....the more we discuss the freebies..the more sian u might become....I dun even have foglight.... :nonod:

So did you and your friend get your COEs?

I think very  high chance you got your COE as it dropped to $12,501.

Only thing is that those who got COE this time round lose out in terms of having a lower car value as their COE is $12,501, compared to someone who secured their COE at the June 1st bidding who got their COE at $15.500+ and paid same price for Latio.

Overnight lost $3,000 in COE value. But that's life in buying a car in S'pore.

Just enjoy your new ride and congrats!   ;D

Offline baobao

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Re: Is it too late to buy a nissan latio 2007?
« Reply #63 on: August 06, 2008, 05:10:32 PM »

So did you and your friend get your COEs?

I think very  high chance you got your COE as it dropped to $12,501.

Only thing is that those who got COE this time round lose out in terms of having a lower car value as their COE is $12,501, compared to someone who secured their COE at the June 1st bidding who got their COE at $15.500+ and paid same price for Latio.

Overnight lost $3,000 in COE value. But that's life in buying a car in S'pore.

Just enjoy your new ride and congrats!   ;D

Ya. i just know the COE drop.. quite sad le..  order too early..  (my SE told me to hurry cos COE going to raise..  :( :( :( )


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Re: Is it too late to buy a nissan latio 2007?
« Reply #64 on: August 06, 2008, 05:21:02 PM »
My Se even told me...53.5k is exclusive of sports rim n leather seats.....only free give me sports rim n leather seats ...still charge me 53.5k....anyway...they all out to earn one...we want to buy... wat to do now

Must take lesson on "Bargaining Power" ....

Offline clarence

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Re: Is it too late to buy a nissan latio 2007?
« Reply #65 on: August 06, 2008, 05:48:35 PM »
Ya. i just know the COE drop.. quite sad le..  order too early..  (my SE told me to hurry cos COE going to raise..  :( :( :( )

My SE also told me COE going to raise, and after I ordered, COE also dropped.

All sales people will telll you the same story and pressure you to buy.

Next thing your SE will tell you is to "hurry to buy as COE quota from September is going to be reduced, so COE will shoot up."

You think COE prices will shoot up when jobless rate is at its peak, share prices are at rock bottom, and recession is coming very soon in the next few months?   :nonod:

Offline baobao

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Re: Is it too late to buy a nissan latio 2007?
« Reply #66 on: August 06, 2008, 05:57:35 PM »
Sad..  feel like cheated..  :( :( :(  guess just enjoy the ride and forget about it..
hopefully end of the month can collect my ride.

Offline Keromond

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Re: Is it too late to buy a nissan latio 2007?
« Reply #67 on: August 06, 2008, 06:43:21 PM »

So did you and your friend get your COEs?

I think very  high chance you got your COE as it dropped to $12,501.

Only thing is that those who got COE this time round lose out in terms of having a lower car value as their COE is $12,501, compared to someone who secured their COE at the June 1st bidding who got their COE at $15.500+ and paid same price for Latio.

Overnight lost $3,000 in COE value. But that's life in buying a car in S'pore.

Just enjoy your new ride and congrats!   ;D

Hi...thk got it....kind of expected it to be in the range of 12-13k.... I just got my during June period..I can only drool at the car lol.

anyway, no pt being wat u mentioned, just wait for the car n enjoy e ride.

Ryan...I think the car can be collected in abt 2 weeks time....dun have to wait till end of Aug. U still go ahead with the armrest?

Offline chansm78

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Re: Is it too late to buy a nissan latio 2007?
« Reply #68 on: August 06, 2008, 06:45:06 PM »
I think I also got my COE. Can take within 2 weeks.

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Re: Is it too late to buy a nissan latio 2007?
« Reply #69 on: August 06, 2008, 07:13:58 PM »
Congrats to all who just got their COE & collecting their new baby soon..

well, buying car in SG alwazz varies.. there's never a specific time for best buy.. jus dun think so much & enjoy the ride..  :smile:

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Last updated 27 Jul 2008

Offline Zylon

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Re: Is it too late to buy a nissan latio 2007?
« Reply #70 on: August 06, 2008, 07:31:33 PM »
Congrats to all who just got their COE & collecting their new baby soon..

well, buying car in SG alwazz varies.. there's never a specific time for best buy.. jus dun think so much & enjoy the ride..  :smile:
yalor, it's just luck. just like 4d, u buy never open, u dont buy open 4 number swee swee.
any car can go fast, but not every car can stop fast

Offline baobao

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Re: Is it too late to buy a nissan latio 2007?
« Reply #71 on: August 07, 2008, 03:55:41 PM »
yalor, it's just luck. just like 4d, u buy never open, u dont buy open 4 number swee swee.

Aargh.. my heart.... its true.. my bloody car number opened many times when i didnt buy.. 
i retent my number.. start n end with 8.  :devil2:

Offline clarence

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Re: Is it too late to buy a nissan latio 2007?
« Reply #72 on: August 07, 2008, 06:21:26 PM »
Pre facelift Latio prices dropped by $1,000.

It's now only $52,000.   :excl:

Imagine what I could have done with $1,000.

When I went to view Latio, my SE told me very limited stocks left for YOM2007 stocks, but now still left so many stocks left even after 2 months.   :confused1:

SE also told me COE prices will go up as quote will be reduced in September.

But COE prices kept a downward trend since I booked my Latio.

SE words cannot believe.   :nonod:

Offline speedzy

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Re: Is it too late to buy a nissan latio 2007?
« Reply #73 on: August 07, 2008, 06:35:05 PM »
Hi all,

Just joined this forum not long ago as I'm considering Nissan Latio.

According to LTA website (, "The next mid-quota year review to adjust the COE quota will be conducted in October 2008, so as to better meet demand for replacement of vehicles that are de-registered during the calendar year and minimise the adjustment factor that has to be made to the following year

Offline baobao

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Re: Is it too late to buy a nissan latio 2007?
« Reply #74 on: August 07, 2008, 07:16:56 PM »
Pre facelift Latio prices dropped by $1,000.

It's now only $52,000.   :excl:

Imagine what I could have done with $1,000.

When I went to view Latio, my SE told me very limited stocks left for YOM2007 stocks, but now still left so many stocks left even after 2 months.   :confused1:

SE also told me COE prices will go up as quote will be reduced in September.

But COE prices kept a downward trend since I booked my Latio.

SE words cannot believe.   :nonod:

Same story as mine.. my SE even told me that they will not adjust price liao..  now only $52000.
rushed me to make decision.. really regret...
SE words dont even trust.

Offline Keromond

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Re: Is it too late to buy a nissan latio 2007?
« Reply #75 on: August 07, 2008, 08:35:24 PM »
woah....drop liao so fast....

So Ryan...anything can be done to our orders?? sad sad....if drop next mth or wat ok la..we not even collect the car...sigh