Conventional knob gives me the feeling of old fashion and obsolete technology. Digital have a more advanced feeling. Just like digital camera vs conventional camera.
Hi, my first post here. Just wanted to input that the conventional knob is ok -- think of those modern hi-fi set where you can adjust the volume by turning a "conventional" knob but the display shows the volume digitally, ie. 90dB, or 01 to 20. It is still digital, just makes the method of adjusting more conventional, compared to pushing buttons to adjust temperature. Well, another example is ipod, where they don't use push button to scroll thru the song list, but uses a high-tech "conventional knob", if you know what i mean.
Well, that's just my 2 cts. I just secured my COE this week, so now still waiting for delivery of my F/L Latio.

Whether the knob or aircon system is any good/bad, only time will tell.

Fingers crossed - please be good.