Er, why do you suspect the spark gap is too big?
My advise is bring your car to the CNG installer and ask them to troubleshoot.
Intermittent jerking can be caused by several factors.
Reducing spark gap only works if a lack of spark is causing the problem. Unless your spark plugs are really worn, this should not be a problem.
If it is no ignition, (got spark but fuel don't burn) then the spark gap is too small. In this case, increasing the spark gap will be better (longer spark). I don't think this is the problem because CNG has lower ignition point (easier to burn).
If the intermittent jerk is when going uphill, then there is also the possibility of a loose spark plug connection.
Unfortunately, I don't know enough about the CNG system installed here to help any further. Advise is still to go to the installer.