check rim nuts tightened in properly,check wheel hub bearing,check rotors, check brake pads.check balancing.cheers.
rotor warped would be my guess
so how much would i need to rectify the problem? the car still safe to drive or not ah?
actually mine also....when stopped...I can feel the car vibrate...howcome so many prob all coming one...only 2 weeks leh
1. check rim nuts tightened in properly: Only way is by using a torque wrench.2. check wheel hub bearing: Unlikey because that one when driving will also have problems and usually will give off a humming sound.3. check rotors, check brake pads: Don't think you can or want to check these yourself. But warped rotor can be caused by 1. 4. check balancing: This one most likely not also because affect you most when you are at speed.How old is your ride? Tire rotated or changed recently?If under warranty, bring back to TC.
my car is slightly more than a year old. so the rotor and stuff still under warranty?
brought my car to TC toa payoh to check on sat. after about one and a half hour they called me to say the car is ready and everything is working well when they do the tests. so i went to collect my car and indeed everything is back to normal. but i highly doubt that my car has nothing wrong when i sent it in, just feel that they are hiding some problems from me leh.
Can the shake be due to the activation of the ABS? Is the shake felt only during hard braking?