Hi Jazz,
When forumers say that their rides are quiet, I am not sure what is the benchmark. So, donno whether my Latio is quiet or noisy or average. It is just that the sound is louder than before.
Sat in my friend's camry (the older model that cost her about $100K then), it is really very quiet. Can feel there is a "filter layer" between the car cabin from the engine sound and road/tire sound. However, sat in my other friend's new Audi (which cost him about $180K), the road/tire sound seems to be louder than the camry. Both did not do any sound proofing.
For a fully stock car, other than the tires and road surface, are there any parts of the car that may affect the level of sound generated by the tire in contact with the road? Suspension or any other parts?
Hi HC,
Unable to advise you on the quietness benchmark, but relatives, friends and colleagues did mention my car which is quiet as compared with Vios, Altis, Swift, Lancer (both old and new), Civic and some other SUVs and MPVs which are not apple to apple comparison therefore shall not list them. All usually stock condition with few changed their rims and tyres.
To me our Latio is considered quite quiet as ocasionally I am unsure have I off my engine. The only complain my wife and me share the same sentiments are when we run across a layer of red bricks before the school, it will give a "wong wong" kinda sound, quite irritating at times, secondly when we encountered heavy rain, the sound like using zinc roof for the attap houses.