Author Topic: How to reduce road/tire noise?  (Read 11852 times)


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How to reduce road/tire noise?
« on: September 08, 2008, 02:08:06 PM »

Of late, the road/tire noise seems to be louder.  Ride is almost 6 months old.  What can be the cause in the increase in noise level from road/tire noise?  Any recommendation to reduce the noise (-- other than increase music volume and put ear plug)?  Budget is a constraint.  Hence, cannot be too ex.


Offline vortex

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Re: How to reduce road/tire noise?
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2008, 03:07:40 PM »
What I can think of -

1. Dun use performance tyres.

2. DIY sound proof on wheel arch by insulation spray. Done that for my previous ride, helps a bit.

3. Sound proof on base plateform and seat. Have not check if it is easy for latio.

Offline clarence

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Re: How to reduce road/tire noise?
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2008, 03:48:34 PM »
My Toyo stock tyres are quiet.

Did you upgrade your tyres?

Insulation recommended by Vortex helps but the extra weight will result in higher fuel consumption.

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Re: How to reduce road/tire noise?
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2008, 03:52:42 PM »

Insulation recommended by Vortex helps but the extra weight will result in higher fuel consumption.

No lah. I only use 4 cans of spray and less than 1 m3 of the insulation foam. I would say less than the weight of a pair of shoes.


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Re: How to reduce road/tire noise?
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2008, 11:57:22 PM »
What I can think of -

1. Dun use performance tyres.

2. DIY sound proof on wheel arch by insulation spray. Done that for my previous ride, helps a bit.

3. Sound proof on base plateform and seat. Have not check if it is easy for latio.

Thanks, Bro.  Mine is the stock Toyo.  What is the brand of the DIY sound proof spray and how much is a can?  Where can I buy that? I think option 3 is not cheap.


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Re: How to reduce road/tire noise?
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2008, 12:04:01 AM »
My Toyo stock tyres are quiet.

Did you upgrade your tyres?

Insulation recommended by Vortex helps but the extra weight will result in higher fuel consumption.

Thanks too, Bro.  Mine is stock Toyo tire and rim.  Did not upgrade.  Initially quiet.  Of late, the noise is noticeable louder.  Not sure is it because my tire wear out unevenly due to a stretch of uneven road that I travel everyday on my way to work?  Even if so, can it be so fast?  Within 6 months?

Offline Jazz

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Re: How to reduce road/tire noise?
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2008, 12:06:44 AM »
No lah. I only use 4 cans of spray and less than 1 m3 of the insulation foam. I would say less than the weight of a pair of shoes.

Where you buy the insulation foam and the price? What is written on the can ?  :smile:


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Re: How to reduce road/tire noise?
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2008, 12:13:28 AM »
Where you buy the insulation foam and the price? What is written on the can ?  :smile:

Hi Jazz,

Is yours also getting noisy or is it that you just want to make it even quieter?

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Re: How to reduce road/tire noise?
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2008, 08:08:50 AM »
Hi Jazz,

Is yours also getting noisy or is it that you just want to make it even quieter?

Hi HC,
My hearing got problem so actually I cannot feel it.  :unsure:

So if there is alternative in SP, just try it lor.  :D


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Re: How to reduce road/tire noise?
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2008, 08:45:00 AM »
Hi HC,
My hearing got problem so actually I cannot feel it.  :unsure:

So if there is alternative in SP, just try it lor.  :D

Hi Jazz,

When forumers say that their rides are quiet, I am not sure what is the benchmark.  So, donno whether my Latio is quiet or noisy or average.  It is just that the sound is louder than before.

Sat in my friend's camry (the older model that cost her about $100K then), it is really very quiet.  Can feel there is a "filter layer" between the car cabin from the engine sound and road/tire sound.  However, sat in my other friend's new Audi (which cost him about $180K), the road/tire sound seems to be louder than the camry.  Both did not do any sound proofing.

For a fully stock car, other than the tires and road surface, are there any parts of the car that may affect the level of sound generated by the tire in contact with the road?  Suspension or any other parts?

Offline Jazz

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Re: How to reduce road/tire noise?
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2008, 10:46:56 AM »
Hi Jazz,

When forumers say that their rides are quiet, I am not sure what is the benchmark.  So, donno whether my Latio is quiet or noisy or average.  It is just that the sound is louder than before.

Sat in my friend's camry (the older model that cost her about $100K then), it is really very quiet.  Can feel there is a "filter layer" between the car cabin from the engine sound and road/tire sound.  However, sat in my other friend's new Audi (which cost him about $180K), the road/tire sound seems to be louder than the camry.  Both did not do any sound proofing.

For a fully stock car, other than the tires and road surface, are there any parts of the car that may affect the level of sound generated by the tire in contact with the road?  Suspension or any other parts?

Hi HC,
Unable to advise you on the quietness benchmark, but relatives, friends and colleagues did mention my car which is quiet as compared with Vios, Altis, Swift, Lancer (both old and new), Civic and some other SUVs and MPVs which are not apple to apple comparison therefore shall not list them. All usually stock condition with few changed their rims and tyres.

To me our Latio is considered quite quiet as ocasionally I am unsure have I off my engine. The only complain my wife and me share the same sentiments are when we run across a layer of red bricks before the school, it will give a "wong wong" kinda sound, quite irritating at times, secondly when we encountered heavy rain, the sound like using zinc roof for the attap houses.

Offline clarence

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Re: How to reduce road/tire noise?
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2008, 10:49:09 AM »
Thanks too, Bro.  Mine is stock Toyo tire and rim.  Did not upgrade.  Initially quiet.  Of late, the noise is noticeable louder.  Not sure is it because my tire wear out unevenly due to a stretch of uneven road that I travel everyday on my way to work?  Even if so, can it be so fast?  Within 6 months?

Is your tyre pressure correct?

Excessive tyre noise could also be due to underinflated tyres.

Try to inflate to 230Kpa when your tyres are cold.

You can also try to do a tyre rotation.

Try these and let us know if it helps.

Offline clarence

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Re: How to reduce road/tire noise?
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2008, 10:51:45 AM »

When you drive over those "red bricks" on the road before the school, try to go at a slower speed, preferably below 40km/h.

These "red bricks" are meant to slow you down and driving too fast over them will cause rattles in your cabin in the long run.

Offline Jazz

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Re: How to reduce road/tire noise?
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2008, 10:57:22 AM »

When you drive over those "red bricks" on the road before the school, try to go at a slower speed, preferably below 40km/h.

These "red bricks" are meant to slow you down and driving too fast over them will cause rattles in your cabin in the long run.

Some school is along "main road", how to go below 40km/hr.  :blink: :(

Offline clarence

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Re: How to reduce road/tire noise?
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2008, 11:03:37 AM »
Don't bother about thsoe impatient motorists behind you.

Speed limit for school zone is 40km/h if I remember correctly.


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Re: How to reduce road/tire noise?
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2008, 11:57:55 AM »
Hi HC,
Unable to advise you on the quietness benchmark, but relatives, friends and colleagues did mention my car which is quiet as compared with Vios, Altis, Swift, Lancer (both old and new), Civic and some other SUVs and MPVs which are not apple to apple comparison therefore shall not list them. All usually stock condition with few changed their rims and tyres.

To me our Latio is considered quite quiet as ocasionally I am unsure have I off my engine. The only complain my wife and me share the same sentiments are when we run across a layer of red bricks before the school, it will give a "wong wong" kinda sound, quite irritating at times, secondly when we encountered heavy rain, the sound like using zinc roof for the attap houses.

Hi Jazz,

Yup, I agree and do find the engine quiet.  Once, I left the car thinking that the engine was off.  However, when I could not lock the door, only then I realised that the engine was not off.  It is the road/tire noise that I am trying to see how to reduce (hopfully) without having to pay too much.



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Re: How to reduce road/tire noise?
« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2008, 12:03:27 PM »
Is your tyre pressure correct?

Excessive tyre noise could also be due to underinflated tyres.

Try to inflate to 230Kpa when your tyres are cold.

You can also try to do a tyre rotation.

Try these and let us know if it helps.

Hi Clarence,

I usually pump tire to recommended 30 & 33 psi plus 1 (but when the tire are hot).  No chance to pump tire when tires are cold leh.  Should I plus 2 or more since I pump air only when tire are hot?  Rotation and balancing just done at the recent 10K km servicing.


Offline clarence

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Re: How to reduce road/tire noise?
« Reply #17 on: September 09, 2008, 01:04:00 PM »
You can try a plus 2 to make up for the hot air in your tyres.

For  your noisy tyres, does it give out a "woo woo woo" sound when you are driving?

You got your Latio early this year? Do you know the manufacture month and year of your Latio?

The tyre noise could also be due to "flat spot", which occurs when the car is parked in the warehouse for a long time and the weight of the car rests on the same spot over a prolonged period.

A change of tyres to Comfort type of tyres may help.

Offline vortex

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Re: How to reduce road/tire noise?
« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2008, 04:19:56 PM »
A bro had pm me regards the brand of the spray for the sound proof. As I mentioned I did it for my previous ride, would not know the impact on latio. For the benefits of others, please find the information

1) Wash the arch and let it dry before coating.

2) Item used is 3M undercoating spray. Code number: 08881

3) When the car is jack up from the front, the rear can also be accessed to spray

4) Some may choose to remove the wheels for the spraying, but I did not.

5) One can of 3M can do 4 layers. You need to wait for 1 layer to dry first before applying the 2nd

6) The 3M Undercoat spray can be bought at Home-Fix DIY stores ard $10 per can. Industrial area should be cheaper. 

I bought the spay about 2 years ago at, hope still exist.

Tonita Co Pte Ltd
50 Ubi Crescent
#01-06 Ubi Techpark
Singapore 408568

There may have another 'better' grade tha cost more.

Let me know the result if you have DIY.

Offline mindman

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Re: How to reduce road/tire noise?
« Reply #19 on: September 09, 2008, 06:14:52 PM »
You can try a plus 2 to make up for the hot air in your tyres.

For  your noisy tyres, does it give out a "woo woo woo" sound when you are driving?

You got your Latio early this year? Do you know the manufacture month and year of your Latio?

The tyre noise could also be due to "flat spot", which occurs when the car is parked in the warehouse for a long time and the weight of the car rests on the same spot over a prolonged period.

A change of tyres to Comfort type of tyres may help.

Hi, just to check the  "woo woo woo" sound  is from Engine or tyre ? 
I also have this sound esp travel at high speed.  Tot is the air or oil filter dirty
is this "woo woo woo" sound   so called  the rattling sound ? 
