Hey folks,
has anyone of you noticed a chik chik chik sound? it can sometimes sound like a cable tie hitting onto the spokes of your rim? Well i encountered this, for many months. But recently, the sound was getting more audible, i was seriously worried, as the sound would be even louder after playing a few bends.
Decided to call on my trustee buddy Hussein again for his help. Experience is something which can't be learned in a book, once he sat in my car, went for a few rounds, he knew immediately what the problem was.
Back at the workshop, he jacked up my car, remove the front wheel, removed the Drive Shaft Nut (see attached pic) and sprayed some de-rusting solution. Can definitely see the rust flowing down, leaking onto the ground. (see next post)
Tightened the nut again with the air wrench, and then went to work on the left side. OMG, the left side was worst! THE NUT COULD BE LOOSENED BY FINGER!! So he repeated the process, jack the car, remove the drive shaft nut, sprayed de-rusting solution, and lubricated with WD40. VOILA!! worked perfectly! that irritating chik chik chik sound was gone! steering was definitely quieter!
SO! if any of you also start to hear chik chik chik sounds coming from the front, hopefully its the same problem, can be easily solved! Alternatively, can find Hussein at Bilancia for a comprehensive check.