Hi clarence,Oh, meaning, when i pump that time, the tyres are having Heat, so it is having higher pressure? So, when i setup to 230 for front tyres, it releases air from my tyres? If so, i cannot pump air in the evening after travelling for 20km then? best time shld be in the morning of evening (a few min after i drive off the car?)
What I did not understand is why they did it? Itcy hand can't be scratched? Please tell me if this is true...if u pump too much air to ur tyre...it actually will be less dragy on roads thus improves FC but more prone to punch-chik....if less air...more grip on the road but consume more petrol...
Correct! BUT If tyre is underinflated, it will lead to higher petrol consumption.More grip is applicale only for off road driving where slight under inflation is recommendated.
They did not mess with your tyre pressure. Did rotation but never check tyre pressure after that.