Author Topic: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners  (Read 21660 times)


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Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« on: January 09, 2009, 02:25:39 PM »
Hi bros,

My warranty ending soon. So far i changed 2 CVT gearbox for noise & lack of power from the car.

I like the time n help of any remember here driving a CVT latio.

Like to compare the noise emitted from your car & also see if my car is normal for some of the issues i face.

1. Fuel tank- car power loss is terrible (weight?)
2. sometimes after more than 15 minutes on the road, stop at traffic light cannot pwer have to depress accelerator like crazy
3. Pick up is uneven sometimes...depress slowly than no power carry on depressing feel engine revv..sometimes a surge of power
4. When making turns at traffic light, car is very poor power.

If any of you have a normal functioning Latio CVT maybe you can help me so i can test your car & use this to prove to TCM my issues...

maybe i will learn that this is common among CVT latios.

Thanks in advance..pls PM me. thanks

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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2009, 02:35:15 PM »
Power loss?
That's roughly why my dad sold it off. buay tahan the power loss for CVT.
Cant say mine same as yours cause mine is march 2005.

But anyway, CVT loss is they will keep saying oh the ******** cvt belt haven reach down the end of the belt, den you step so of cos will be confused. or wad kind of rubbish. ******** tcm. haha :devil2:
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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2009, 03:44:00 PM »
Interesting...CVT issues so common..mine is registered 2006 but mfged 2005...
anyway i think no issue there..mine CVT changed twice...not sure if the problem lies there or the engine.

wish i had the $$ to change

anyway my timing bad..i did not like the sedan so bought the sports back then no 4AT for thr have 4AT & price is also lower for 4AT...hmmm

Offline Midnight

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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2009, 10:54:39 PM »
Hi Sambal,

Your #2 point looks serious. When you say at traffic light cannot move, do you mean the car literally refuse to move when you step on the accelerator, and then you have the step it harder than normal to get the car moving?

Your #4 is not quite understandable. When turning, car no power... did u step hard enough?

Your #3 symptoms i seems to be experiencing. I am into about 3 weeks of ownership of a CVT latio. Year 2006  manufactured. Bought it second hand. I read about the CVT gearbox problem for 2005 CVT Latio prior to purchasing, so i bought a end 2006 one, but still i seems to have problem. Really really not sure if there is indeed a problem somewhere or it is how a normal cvt gearbox will perform. If it is the latter then i am really disappointed. Should have bought a 4AT.  :(

Offline jonpaul0104

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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2009, 01:52:02 AM »

I am driving a Yr05 Latio Sports.....all your symptoms I do experience with my car especially no power after being stuck in jams for >15mins...

There was once stuck at orchard rd jam and then going up Taka carpark....i remembered engine like dying off & i had to change to "L" to go up....

Did complain to TCM but they as usual could not find anything wrong....

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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2009, 02:03:44 PM »
Interesting...CVT issues so common..mine is registered 2006 but mfged 2005...
anyway i think no issue there..mine CVT changed twice...not sure if the problem lies there or the engine.

wish i had the $$ to change

anyway my timing bad..i did not like the sedan so bought the sports back then no 4AT for thr have 4AT & price is also lower for 4AT...hmmm

hello sambal

so, your wrty over soon?
but u chg twice for ur cvt, r they foc chg by tcm? or u pay for it (b4 wrty expires)?
after wrty expired, how much to pay for the chg of that part?

sorry, i must agree because i don't know how to disagree. agreeeee only....

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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2009, 02:05:20 PM »
Power loss?
That's roughly why my dad sold it off. buay tahan the power loss for CVT.
Cant say mine same as yours cause mine is march 2005.

But anyway, CVT loss is they will keep saying oh the s***** cvt belt haven reach down the end of the belt, den you step so of cos will be confused. or wad kind of rubbish. s***** tcm. haha :devil2:

sold it off due to power loss? u mentioned before?
i thk still can drive lah, mai hiam boi bai.
and, must always sayang the car, then she won't give us much problems even though u use it for 10yrs.

sorry, i must agree because i don't know how to disagree. agreeeee only....

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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2009, 02:08:36 PM »
hi sambal

do u always 'cheong' heavyfooted?

sorry, i must agree because i don't know how to disagree. agreeeee only....

   -iagree, must agree

Offline Midnight

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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2009, 03:17:06 PM »

I am driving a Yr05 Latio Sports.....all your symptoms I do experience with my car especially no power after being stuck in jams for >15mins...

There was once stuck at orchard rd jam and then going up Taka carpark....i remembered engine like dying off & i had to change to "L" to go up....

Did complain to TCM but they as usual could not find anything wrong....

Dunno what to say.. but u see so many SJ* plates latio on the road. As this CVT gearbox problem been resolved for 2008 make?


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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2009, 03:30:40 PM »
Meet Up, Test car. Test yours, test other's.  :thumbsup:

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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2009, 01:53:19 PM »
Meet Up, Test car. Test yours, test other's.  :thumbsup:

hi all

iagree with carmoz, must test the car extensively... else hard to know.......what's the problem.
sorry, i must agree because i don't know how to disagree. agreeeee only....

   -iagree, must agree

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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2009, 02:17:18 PM »
hi all

may be loss of power is partly due to we never cheong fast fast for the past yrs?
e.g. lut 4000 rpm to 5000 rpm in nshw? speed to 160km/h to 180km/h? must do that hor then can maintain the Kuat Power.
sorry, i must agree because i don't know how to disagree. agreeeee only....

   -iagree, must agree

Offline gh05tss

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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2009, 03:09:31 PM »
Meet Up, Test car. Test yours, test other's.  :thumbsup:

Test who's?? :confused1:

Offline chansk

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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2009, 05:14:06 PM »
I am driving 2005 latio cvt and started to encounter power loss after 40K. Same thing going up Takashimaya SC and step accelerator all the way but RPM stays at 1000rpm. Also intermittent at traffic light start off very sluggish and need to depress accelerator more. Went to them 3 times in Jul 08, Oct 08 and Jan 09, tune engine, check using consult etc etc but always say found nothing wrong.

If its intermittent and doesn't happen during servicing, they will not find the problem. The service engineer told me they will not replace any parts to let us try out if no fault found. I will go back to them in Feb and bug them again. Until they solve this issue, our warranty will still be honored, that's what the service engineer told me.

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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2009, 10:29:45 PM »
Usually 40K is a major service, therefore transmission oil will change, but if there is air trap, then definitely will encounter power loss effect.

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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2009, 07:46:04 AM »
CVT oil change every 60K not 40K. So its not CVT Oil related.

Offline Garitzz

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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2009, 09:17:45 AM »
OK. Just to share my own personal experience and my 2 cents... And please, don't get offended by any means. It's just info exchange...

My car is now 2 yrs 9 months old (barely 3 years), and covered a massive 141,000km+ till date, all on local roads. Those who knew me will know about my crazy mileage.

Anyway, I think you should be confident about your car, unless your car is genuinely a lemon, in this case, it is a real serious problem. Cars are build in a robust manner so that it can last the distance with proper maintenance along the way. You treat it well, it wil serve you well. Engines, gearboxes, individual components are put together, tested vigourously before they decide to put the pieces together to form and create a road car. Hours and hours of R&D are in pace to ensure that their creation will not fail them and hence incur loss to the car manufacturer and thus, the car brand and image.

New cars that are newly launch, with no previous history or track records, are more likely to be of concern, whereas those cars that had been around for ages and now onto their 5th, 8th or even 10th generation are more likely to be safe, unless they implemented new technology that is new to the market into their well known car (ie CVT gearboxes a couple of years back).

Our CVT gearboxes are considered better than the other car makes (not to mention names) as the failure rate is considerable less. My engine and gearbox had been with me throughout and they are just fine. There are a few genuine cases of engine or gearbox failure and they are really a minute few. On the other hand, I would think majority of us are having a perfectly fine equipment, except over-sensitive drivers. In which, that is precisely why we have meetups, so that we can exchange information extensively on our car and hence watch out for things if they are genuinely problematic (ie air-con compressor...). Otherwise, it would be unfair to create a "negative" atmosphere in which it will spread the "untruth" about our cars, and everyone panic about it. It would not be fair for the car manufacturers as well, if it is untrue. Anyway, time will tell if the problem is real and serious or just "rumours".

Nissan Murano is also using the same kind of CVT gearbox as our Latio, Extronic CVT, not the older Hyper CVT. If the Extronic CVT gearbox can lug the massive Murano around without much problem, I don't see why our lighter weight Latio will have any significant problem in this. Perhaps, you may be the unlucky one with the problematic gearbox, but my point is that, the majority isn't.

My next point is not on the machine, but the driver. OK, not teaching anyone to drive here, but to probably give insight on how man and machine can work together. Our Latio is a decent family car and is not meant for racing or heavy thrashing. So probably it will not accelerate better off the line at the red lights than, perhaps, your previous car, as you would like, but it may be better in other aspect than your previous car. A bit more on the CVT (Can read up on the sticky thread on CVT in our forum. Can someone paste the link later? Thanks.) CVT, Continuous Variable Transmission, is unlike any auto transmission. Other automatic gearboxes have fixed gear ratios in a planetary gear formation and upon driving, you will accelerate and change up the gears to gain speed. CVT on the other hand, is a continous band of gears. Imagine a cone. The cone has got an infinite diameter across it's entire plane. So to accelerate and decelerate, a belt will move across the inifinite diameter surface to speed up or shed speed. That's the gist of CVT. So, it isn't rubbish at all when the SE mentioned something like "cvt belt haven reach down the end of the belt, den you step so of cos will be confused". This is exactly what happens. Anyway, the more you drive your car, the better you will know it's characteristic. That's about all that I want to say...

OK, just side-track a bit. I had in my personal blog a challenge (machiam like the Top Gear Challege, for those who watch the UK version of Top Gear). To drive up Peninsular Malaysia along the NSHW, Toll-to-Toll (Tanjong Kupang Toll Plaza to Bukit Kayu Hitam Toll Plaza), and back, within a day. Will probably share about the experience, the FC and other problems I might encounter for this trip. Hopefully, my Latio will be back in 1 piece!

I think that's about my 2 cents. Have faith in your car!   :thumbsup:
And hey, by no means I'm offensive in any manner. Maybe the choice of words may not be pleasing, but hope you understand where I'm getting at.    ;)
Keep your distance!

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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2009, 10:14:16 AM »
I am driving 2005 latio cvt and started to encounter power loss after 40K. Same thing going up Takashimaya SC and step accelerator all the way but RPM stays at 1000rpm. Also intermittent at traffic light start off very sluggish and need to depress accelerator more. Went to them 3 times in Jul 08, Oct 08 and Jan 09, tune engine, check using consult etc etc but always say found nothing wrong.

If its intermittent and doesn't happen during servicing, they will not find the problem. The service engineer told me they will not replace any parts to let us try out if no fault found. I will go back to them in Feb and bug them again. Until they solve this issue, our warranty will still be honored, that's what the service engineer told me.

hi chansk

so jialat?
mine is close to 40000km soon.
must sayang her more often, then she will work hard for us till 200000km
sorry, i must agree because i don't know how to disagree. agreeeee only....

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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2009, 10:19:38 AM »
mine also used 05 CVT, just cross 50k no problem on pickup (maybe I get used to it). It was a bit slow at the low end when I first got it last year but that is cvt nature. Then VS and spark VS it, no problem till now. Overtaking on HW is ok too. Having said that, there is no problem for 05 stock cvt. It is very buttery smooth to drive if you have the time.

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Re: Help needed from 50-60,000Km CVT latio owners
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2009, 11:52:43 AM »
I had driven the Pairie MPV with CVT for six and a half years without any gearbox problem before trading-in for my new ride which is CVT too.   The SEs reminded me not to floor the accelerator beyond 3K RPM when moving off.  Did you participate in some sprint events?  I would think a manual shift car is a more appropriate participant 8-)