Author Topic: Aircond Compressor  (Read 9525 times)

Offline lyh1280

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Aircond Compressor
« on: January 21, 2009, 01:26:12 PM »
So sway, changing my aircond compressor again today, car now in TC Ubi. Remember mine was changed once FOC/Under warranty when mileage was about 60K++, now has to change again at 133K++. Is our stock Aircond compressor so lousy, shelf-life ~60K++? I hope no more serious problem cropping out again, since i hv just changed =brakes jammed few mths ago. If more shows up later, tink got to consider change car le..

Very loud noise from the belts/compressor side these 2 days, so drive in this mng to TC Ubi, and SE confirmed is aircond compressor spoilt le.. so need to change. Was quoted $898 for part + $180 labour, but TC wil giv discount further. Later will c hw much pocket kena burnt again b4 CNY.

Haiz.. sianz..

Offline Demio

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Re: Aircond Compressor
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2009, 01:33:10 PM »
So sway, changing my aircond compressor again today, car now in TC Ubi. Remember mine was changed once FOC/Under warranty when mileage was about 60K++, now has to change again at 133K++. Is our stock Aircond compressor so lousy, shelf-life ~60K++? I hope no more serious problem cropping out again, since i hv just changed =brakes jammed few mths ago. If more shows up later, tink got to consider change car le..

Very loud noise from the belts/compressor side these 2 days, so drive in this mng to TC Ubi, and SE confirmed is aircond compressor spoilt le.. so need to change. Was quoted $898 for part + $180 labour, but TC wil giv discount further. Later will c hw much pocket kena burnt again b4 CNY.

Haiz.. sianz..

bro...maybe u can get a quote outside, its cheaper.
Try mark cool located at senoko....
one of the reasons why air con compressor failed - FAILURE to change air con filter regularly - Air Flow blocked, then driver / passenger increased the speed of the air con, which in turn takes its toll on the compressor......
Take a look at my website

Looking for cabin air con filters? Pls contact me at 9797 7936, I may have got what you are looking for all this while...

The below link will show you how to change the LAtio Air Con filters...

Offline Latiorarri

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Re: Aircond Compressor
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2009, 01:41:07 PM »
bro...maybe u can get a quote outside, its cheaper.
Try mark cool located at senoko....
one of the reasons why air con compressor failed - FAILURE to change air con filter regularly - Air Flow blocked, then driver / passenger increased the speed of the air con, which in turn takes its toll on the compressor......

Maybe too late for him since he's already at TCM.  ;) but i'm also curious if 3rd party A/C Mfg like Sanden will carry drop in replacement for our car anot. any lobangs?

Offline silver06

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Re: Aircond Compressor
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2009, 02:18:56 PM »
Hi bro,

Do you encounter this problem...
My car aircon last week have this hissing sound. After topping up the aircon gas, it reduce........ but today when I turn on the aircon the hissing started to come back...
Does his related to this compressor...

Offline lyh1280

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Re: Aircond Compressor
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2009, 04:34:03 PM »
Hi bro,

Do you encounter this problem...
My car aircon last week have this hissing sound. After topping up the aircon gas, it reduce........ but today when I turn on the aircon the hissing started to come back...
Does his related to this compressor...

Not sure how loud is ur hissing sound.. but mine can b irritating, even my son can hear it and comment y so noisy, can hear even when all windows closed. sometime follows by "squeeking" high pitch sound. When i show them when at TC, the SE immediately said is aircond compressor after hearing the sound, said if drags on sure aircond will b not cold soon..

Yeah lor, now waiting to go n collect, stil in office, no time to find other quote outside as CNY nearing, don wan to hv problem during CNY.

My SE said his boss can giv further 5% discount on part, and 20% on labour, after he asked his boss. I hv been with TC since day 1. on NPMP since 40K, b4 tt individual services..

Offline lyh1280

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Re: Aircond Compressor
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2009, 04:38:45 PM »
bro...maybe u can get a quote outside, its cheaper.
Try mark cool located at senoko....
one of the reasons why air con compressor failed - FAILURE to change air con filter regularly - Air Flow blocked, then driver / passenger increased the speed of the air con, which in turn takes its toll on the compressor......

err how long/soon shd we change our aircond filter? i hv changed myself once after 2 yrs, but tt oso after the new compressor was replaced FOC under warranty.

Offline zzyzx

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Re: Aircond Compressor
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2009, 07:13:02 PM »
i'm thinking of removing my air con filter for good. my previous rides all doesnt comes with filter and they're running fine.

Offline rooneytoon2004

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Re: Aircond Compressor
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2009, 10:15:58 PM »
Not sure how loud is ur hissing sound.. but mine can b irritating, even my son can hear it and comment y so noisy, can hear even when all windows closed. sometime follows by "squeeking" high pitch sound. When i show them when at TC, the SE immediately said is aircond compressor after hearing the sound, said if drags on sure aircond will b not cold soon..

Yeah lor, now waiting to go n collect, stil in office, no time to find other quote outside as CNY nearing, don wan to hv problem during CNY.

My SE said his boss can giv further 5% discount on part, and 20% on labour, after he asked his boss. I hv been with TC since day 1. on NPMP since 40K, b4 tt individual services..


after seeing this post, i jus like to check whether is it normal if hissing sound (quite loud) can be heard when starting the aircon and disappear aft awhile ?

my car is only 2wk old and i remember that my previous kimchi ride dun have such noisy sound when i on the aircon even aft 3 1/2 yrs.

Offline silver06

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Re: Aircond Compressor
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2009, 10:25:58 PM »
Hi lyh1280,

Better send back to TC for checking, since it still under warranty. For my case warranty just past two week,
just wonder should I go back to TC or find outside workshop....any advise from old bird............. :confused1:

Offline lyh1280

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Re: Aircond Compressor
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2009, 11:55:20 AM »
Collected bac my car yest eveng, changed the aircond compressor, assy, etc. + the belt (FOC under NPMP), paid slightly more than 1K.. haizz.. pocket 1 big hole b4 CNY. Now observing, no more noisy sound.. back to same old day where u hardly heard noisy sound fr front.

For those who feels the sound "noisy", dont be shy to bring up during ur nex servicing at TC, tink it is still a common problem for Latio. Remember 1st time mine was changed ~60K++, tt time also don know caused by compressor. Only highlight to them on my normal servicing tt very noisy, later when collect car, they said has changed for me FOC the whole aircond sys.
But sway i kena 2nd time nw..

Offline Ying

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Re: Aircond Compressor
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2009, 05:19:44 PM »
any servicing that can prolong the life span of aircond compressor? Is the NPMP package good enough? I think they did not include flushing the coil right? my car just past 50k. I am willing to spend $100+ for aircon serving than to change a new one at 60K for $1000+. Any advice?

Offline Midnight

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Re: Aircond Compressor
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2009, 11:07:15 PM »
any servicing that can prolong the life span of aircond compressor? Is the NPMP package good enough? I think they did not include flushing the coil right? my car just past 50k. I am willing to spend $100+ for aircon serving than to change a new one at 60K for $1000+. Any advice?

I guess this kind of thing is a little "heng suay" one.... but if regular servicing really help to prolong the lifespan, at least until the day i planned to scrap the car, i will also spend $100+ to service it...


Offline Toalson

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Re: Aircond Compressor
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2009, 08:59:00 PM »
Does any of you have loud noise (kind of those gear engaging and not the hissing noise all experience)  when starting the a/c? I encounter this and it is rather loud and make me rather uneasy. Guess will make noise to then when going for 1K servicing.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2009, 09:08:56 PM by Toalson »

Offline kraziesg

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Re: Aircond Compressor
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2009, 11:23:03 PM »
If I am not wrong, I think you were referring to the 'thom' knocking sound when you switch on your aircon for the first time after starting the car. If that sound doesn't stay on at the same level, it should be normal as the compressor coil got kickstart and draw a huge current from the circuitry. It's the same effect like you turn on the power for a big electric motor.

Does any of you have loud noise (kind of those gear engaging and not the hissing noise all experience)  when starting the a/c? I encounter this and it is rather loud and make me rather uneasy. Guess will make noise to then when going for 1K servicing.

Offline just

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Re: Aircond Compressor
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2009, 02:46:17 AM »
I complaint engine noisy during servicing and they change for me the aircon compressor, bracket and belt FOC. mine is 19 months car still under warranty period. after changed the engine is quiter now.
If your engine very noisy better complain and ask them to change before the warranty period is up,

Offline alangohek

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Re: Aircond Compressor
« Reply #15 on: January 29, 2009, 03:30:10 PM »
Does any of you have loud noise (kind of those gear engaging and not the hissing noise all experience)  when starting the a/c? I encounter this and it is rather loud and make me rather uneasy. Guess will make noise to then when going for 1K servicing.
Just to share and recap .... many lations (incl myself) has this encounter of the "thorn" sound with A/C powered on when the engine is cold. I guess is normal and should not be much of concern if the the sound disappear after a short while.

Offline Toalson

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Re: Aircond Compressor
« Reply #16 on: January 29, 2009, 05:57:45 PM »
Agree that it is the start of the compressor. However just surprise that it can be so loud. Today, waited a while before turning on the a/c and there was no longer the loud sound. Just the typical start up of the compressor.

Offline kraziesg

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Re: Aircond Compressor
« Reply #17 on: January 29, 2009, 06:07:39 PM »
When you start your car for the first time for the day, the engine is cold. After you start, the engine RPM is high in order to warm up the engine oil to the optimal operating temperature in order for the EO to do their lubricating job.

When RPM high, the alternator spins at a higher rate as well. High rotation = higher charging current = higher current supplied to the compressor = higher starting compressor torque = louder noise

I might be wrong. There might be a mechanical/electrical engineering member here who might be able to explain in a better way.  ::) So please don't slam me if I explained it the wrong way.

Agree that it is the start of the compressor. However just surprise that it can be so loud. Today, waited a while before turning on the a/c and there was no longer the loud sound. Just the typical start up of the compressor.