Author Topic: Package deals  (Read 2325 times)

Offline swarovski latio

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Package deals
« on: August 31, 2010, 09:49:02 AM »
hi all it is me again getting good deals for our club ! i have spoken to fastech ah hwee n we have fix a price for latio club using ows products for servicing . Standard package will be at $108 using 5-40w ows oil n filter as me and a few latio that purchase stuffs from me have been there n we agreed that it is good...... As i was a car mechanic n accesories affixer in the past i am getting good deals for our club.... will get the decal from them n anyone keen in it ? This workshop uses 3 workshop all link up n it is a one stop for car stuff including a/c n so much more .... just for your info this guy use to be my mentor n a racer too..... n TCM accident vehicle outsource to him too ! He is good will our car